The Other Side of The Divide
“Change is the human equalizer” – Dr. Myles Munroe.
I strongly believe occasionally, possibly in blocks of decades, humanity has a way of pulling the strings, returning all back to the “blocks” – resetting the baseline.
Take a cursory look at the past, check the trends, you will discover the latent truth – change in the form of crises most times births greatness. It most often than non signifies the beginning of great stuff to come.
Unfortunately, these changes are not desirable, but do they care?
The year 2020 stands out as one of such years. It's been an unprecedented year with so many curve balls thrown at us. The topsy-turvy of the year has left individuals, organizations, nations, and leaders across the world tested and ideologies stretched.
Whilst a lot of people might be taken aback at the impact of the global disruptions, I am trying to get ahead of the bend with benefit of hindsight provided by history, reviewing historical data, and getting very excited as I anticipate what’s coming ahead.
As a matter of reality, the evidence is trickling in and it is becoming palpably clear, the race has begun. The whistle has long been sounded.
Humanity has once again done its obligatory job – reset the baseline.
It’s now up to humans to pull out of the block at the speed of concern with clarity of direction.
I believe 2021 and beyond will witness the birth of new corporations that will change the landscape of the business worldwide.
Citizenship value and leadership credibility will wear a new look.
Disruptive innovations in dimensions never witnessed or imagined before will spring up and overtake traditional/conventional business structures.
Global, regional and national policies will not be spared.
New billionaires with a different ideological framework will rise to the climax.
National priorities and bilateral relationships amongst nations will change. Loyalties with respect to allies and adversaries will tilt.
Baton of leadership will transit from the hands of those who led through the last couple of decades to the hands of new vistas and frontiers and they will get into the control seat.
The millennium questions are….
Where will you be in the new dynamics?
What value are you bringing to the table?
What niche are you carving for yourself?
What sphere of influence are you working to conquer?
Welcome to the FUTURE!
Welcome to 2021!
BEN Ochuko Apute.