Other Plans a Tribute Poem for Colson Lee Clark...

Other Plans a Tribute Poem for Colson Lee Clark...

Other Plans…

I boasted of having

A fishing, hunting

and golfing buddy,

But God had other plans…

Colson our grand son

Would be 4 years old

A big brother to

Allison & Daniel’s

Precious Caragan

Grace and Claire Rose.

But God had other plans…

Watching Alabama football

And Atlanta Braves baseball

Games together,

But God had other plans…

Watching him shoot a

Basketball or throwing

A football,

But God had other plans…

Watching him grow up

To be whatever he

Wanted to be,

But God had other plans…

Watching him lead a song

At worship or maybe preach

A sermon,

But God had other plans…

  • Hayden Childs


Colson Lee Clark passed

away on May 28th, 2020

at Huntsville Hospital.


What are little boys made of?

Snips and snails,

And puppy dog tails;

That’s what little boys

Are made of.


Little boy blue,

Come blow your horn,

The sheep’s in the meadow,

The cow’s in the corn;

But where is the boy who

Looks after the sheep?

He’s under the haystack

Fast asleep.

Will you wake him?

No not I,

For if I do,

He’ll be sure to cry.


Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes, sir;

Three bags full;

One for my master,

And one for my dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane.


?Nobody knows the trouble

I’ve seen,

Nobody knows

But Jesus


We will never forget



I reset a cedar tree

From the creek bank

Of where we live

In our yard.


I have named the

Cedar “Colson’s Tree”


We will see Colson in

Heaven, he is now

Safe in the arms

Of Jesus.


Knowing this

Gives us

Comfort and peace.

  • Hayden Childs


I Believe – Elvis Presley




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