Other People's Opinions About your Business do not Have to Carry Weight

Other People's Opinions About your Business do not Have to Carry Weight

Learn how to give people's opinions about you and your business weight based on a certain criteria

Why would you take someone's opinion into consideration or their suggestions based off of misinformation and ignorance? why would you listen to anyone that has never started or owned a successful online or offline business? Further why would you listen to anyone who has never even TRIED to have their own business? Would you ask someone about how it is to visit Hawaii if the person you are asking has never visited Hawaii?

Most people will tell you to go to college get some sort of degree, then go get a job and work for 50 years. The long term strategy is to save and pinch your pennies to invest your money wisely and someday with some luck you might be able to retire with something . . .

Keep in mind that the people who will oppose you the most about leaving a job to start your own business are usually the ones who know the LEAST and have the LEAST experience about starting and running a business.

Fact 1 - 99% of the population never become wealthy because of their opinions which mostly line up with this old way of thinking. their ideals and their need to be secure and follow the norm actually prevents them from ever having any real financial success and freedom.

Fact 2 - the 1% of people that are wealthy tend to be much more open minded to new ideas and businesses than people who are poor or middle class.

Use these 3 filters when deciding how much "weight" to give to other's opinions:

1--Does the person giving you their opinion/advice know everything in detail about what you are doing? do they have experience doing it now or previously?

2--Is the person willing to LEARN the details what you are doing? Are they open and willing to see your point of view? Or are they close minded no matter what even if what you present makes good business sense?

3--You need to identify people who are "ignorant" in business or negative people who do not have your best interest in mind. Are they encouraging you? or tearing you down no matter what? Does the person really have your best interest in mind? or do they want to make sure you do not succeed because it might make them look bad? Sadly this group is usually the people that are the closest to you.

Ultimately the choice is always yours . . .

In the end you and only you must decide which "horse" you want to hitch your wagon to? one that has already been to where you want to go and knows the way? or one that has no idea where to go or how to get there?


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