The Other Path
Bill Kellner-Read BDS.
Empowering Professionals | Author, Presenter, and mentor | Director at PWR Health
Headstrong, where does it lead you?
There is the perfect path, the one set out for us, our calling, our desire, our hope.
Then there is the other one, cobbled together by circumstance. A path that takes us in any direction, no alignment between head, heart and gut.
Imagine if you knew to align all three from the get go, what a different life you would have made for yourself. Instead of going off half cocked, when any idea was a good idea, you considered it in your head, checked it out in your heart and recognised the feeling you got in your gut.
Think how often you have gone against your inner feelings and it hasn’t turned out well. Why? Because of lack of alignment. This is researched. Apparently we have three brains but so often we use one and ignore the other two.
I know that I have, on numerous occasions. What would life have been like had I waited, checked in on my entirety before determining an action. Before I opened my mouth to speak, made a decision to move or just decided to buy on an impulse.
I remember years ago signing up for a time share while on holiday in Lanzarote. By the time I got home and the excitement of the moment had long faded, I had buyers remorse. Now while I was there at the meeting and they were doing the selling, my head was getting all excited, I couldn’t wait to sign up. But my heart wasn’t in it and I had a gut feeling that I shouldn’t go ahead. I ignored both and then spent quite a bit of money to get my solicitor to dig me out of the hole. Fortunately he did, but did I learn from the experience? Not really.
I think I would fall into depression if I counted the number of times I ignored the feelings and went with my head. It has cost me dear over time.
Maybe I’m alone, maybe no one else has ever done this! Experience however and many years on clinic, have shown me that this human trait is rife and working devastation in many peoples lives.
Look at the number of marriages on the rocks, businesses going out of business and the escalation of debt. Could this be reduced by aligning the head, the heart, the gut? I think so. It’s worked for me in the past and the alternate hasn’t!
How about you, have you been tuning into your entirety or leading with your head?
What would you do if you realised that with this alignment you could do what you really purpose to do?
Wouldn’t you choose this, the other path?