Other considerations
Juan Sebastian Hoyos Bucheli
Scrum master / project manager / Agile coach / Productor
Other considerations
That the truth cannot be reached without a certain set of specific exhaustive practices that transform the way of being of the subject, that modify it as it is given, that qualify it by transfiguring it, is a pre-philosophical theme that has given rise to many more or less procedures. less ritualized.
Foucault. The hermeneutics of the subject. P. 59 Mexico economic cultural fund.
Noble believes that the history of civilizations is written as cultures MOVE[1]. The first combats were formed between nomadic tribes that were looking for resources against tribes that were dedicated to agriculture. The wars formed the identity of the peoples. And by fighting and celebrating rituals, meanings were built for a reality in a limited territory. When something dies, something else is born, and that is how the spirit and cultures of these peoples mixed through blood and ritual. They not only conquered the lands and acquired the resources, they also destroyed the meanings and rearmed them to their own interpretation. However, the scope of the ritualistic reaches as far as the universe of performance begins. Through ritual we allow ourselves to understand and share symbols, and through performance we create meaning. The first exercise of the "Movement" in the history of martial arts was combat, because violence shaped the universe and survival became an art. War, the movement of the body focused on conquest, the expression of death and later the building of life on blood were the first cultural foundations of ancient peoples and the principles of the art of war.
For NOBLE the exercise of the body passed to the exercise of the soul when Buddha said: no to weapons and yes to meditation, yes to the middle path. The enemy is not the other, it is yourself. And thus, the combat moved to the spirit of the individual. The war was internal and Buddha had performance tools to achieve tranquility, peace and meaning in the midst of a world full of suffering. Buda, who in his travels to expand his knowledge had to face robbers along the way, was forced to develop a form of non-lethal combat that allowed him to leave his attackers incapacitated but not dead. This first type of martial proto-knowledge was taught in the Buddhist path with the philosophy that there is a fine line between compassion and self-flagellation. A thousand years after the death of the historical Buddha, a Hindu monk reached enlightenment on his own. It was the wise Bodhidharma[2], who defended the exercise above the studies of the sacred books.
"A transmission outside of the teachings, not trusting words or letters, pointing directly to the heart of man and becoming a Buddha."
?Attributed to Bodhidharma (5th-6th century)India/China.
He believed that the best and purest actions are those done without self-awareness. That the study of the highest truths is achieved from the body and from exercise, rather than repeating the sacred scriptures. Bodhidharma began a journey along the silk road [3] that took him to China, and there he took refuge in the Shaolin Buddhist temple, where he would found the first Martial Art, Kung-fu. It was essentially a method of training the body to withstand long hours of meditation, and it also served to defend itself against the constant invasions of the Mongolian peoples. Bodhidharma's teachings spread throughout Asia[4]. His physical and spiritual training methods reached Thailand, giving rise to Thai boxing or Muay-thai. In Japan he would become known as Daruma, the founding father of Zen Buddhism, a belief system taken over by the samurai. The way of the samurai was known as Bushido, the way of the warrior, and his discipline of warfare was known as Bujutsu, which included fighting with weapons. It had a subsection called "ju-jutsu", which was based on the fight to disarm and dislocate the opponents' joints, and which would later reach Brazil to become Brazilian jiu jitsu or contemporary jiu jitsu. Unlike other warriors throughout history, the samurai also cultivated artistic, philosophical and cultural disciplines known as the "seven virtues" that could also be understood from the perspective of technologies of the Self.
The exercise of knowledge power.
Let's visualize the darkness of the universe. That darkness is comforting, it brings us peace of mind. When we look at it well, we realize that it is made of a material similar to velvet, soft to the touch. The sound of soft drums fills the space where we are floating, in the distance a light can be seen. We don't know if it's us or if it's that light that's coming. In a matter of seconds we are levitating face to face. The drums beat faster, coming alive, and the strange light is square in shape, empty in the center, made up of a line of white, luminous metal tubes. It moves from side to side on its own axis, the drums beat loudly. The square rotates at full speed, it looks like a circle from how fast it moves. In the center, a portal to another direction... we are absorbed by the portal and thrown into the daily routine of life. We got up, opened the closet, there are our everyday clothes hanging there, but something new is also hanging: it is the armor of a samurai. When we put it on we feel a new energy and strength, however, at the moment of crossing the door of our home, we repent, putting our old "identity" back on... and we continue the day. A thousand problems afflict us during that day, the car breaks down on the avenue, we manage to fix it but it vomits oil on us. When running through the streets to fulfill our responsibilities, a bird shits our jacket. And finally, when we got to work, we realized, because of our stench, that we forgot to put on deodorant before leaving.
The day is a challenge, but when it comes out something in our hearts is activated. On the way to the NOBLE culture center, we can imagine ourselves through the exercise. Upon reaching the door, reality freezes, darkness takes over everything except us and the door that looks the same as the square of luminous metal tubes. We open the suitcase and an oscillating bluish glow illuminates our faces. Step by step, very technically we put on the uniform, the samurai armor piece by piece. We go through the portal to NOBLE's dimension.
We float through the velvet darkness towards the distant light, which is the painting that is placed before our feet on this occasion and that is slowly revealed as the Tatami[5]. We salute the floor, in admiration and respect to all those who at some point have used this technology of body expression, self-defense. We enter with a sure step, the drums playing lively. We spun around jumping, throwing forwards, showing our fighting skills. From the depths of the darkness, a shadow just like us confronts us, attacks mercilessly, is just as technical and fast as us, just as precise and lethal, it pressures us, we wait for the best moment, it hits itself, showing me its mistake. , I lower my hand, spin and disappear with a flying kick. The shadow dissolves and appears behind us again, throws us to the ground and tries to drown us from behind, the only way to kill a dragon or a lion. We know the defense, so we turn and trap an arm of that shadow, and applying leverage with our legs and hips we break it... the shadow disappears, the floor becomes a portal that throws us into everyday life.
This time we donned our samurai armor and headed out to face the day. It protects us from the oil from the damaged car, it protects us from the shit that falls from the sky and when we arrive at our responsibilities we have a fresh aroma of pine and metal, that of a warrior's suit. We are that warrior that we project in the universe of NOBLE.
At NOBLE we understand the soul as a meaning of body. Capable of re-thinking beyond being a cultural consequence, capable of building its own theater of the mind, to absorb and express knowledge that constitute the symbols of its own identity and also give order to reality, which exists according to in which these processes of constant transformation of oneself and the environment are carried out. A soul that is formed through experiences, with mutable characteristics and only possible to understand through the contextual present. This resilient character allows us two things. First, exercise a transformative power over symbols and values of culture and the processes of subjectivation. And second, to generate a distance between the soul and its own cultural paradigms, giving space to a new projection of the "I", which is the result of the application of transdisciplinary knowledge entitled martial culture. We build a discourse based on the limits between the individual as a cultural entity and other entities and institutions that exercise their own power. The understanding of the resistance that is generated in the face of these discourses and of the origin and relevance of one's own discourse, creates an individual-cultural entity capable of understanding how all these experiences shape us, and at the same time allows us to realize that they are You have the power over the choice of these experiences, therefore you also have the tool to build your own spirit, body and mind. And with that motivating truth you create a character who is a samurai with the soul of a stoic. A samurai who is more than a human being: he is an incarnated institution that represents the search for truth and kindness, but who understands that he must apply a series of technologies to continue improving.
Enter a state of high concentration that allows us to disconnect from the worries of daily life and thus create within ourselves a space free of stress and nervousness in which we find peace.
[1]. Erika Fischer Lichte, Aesthetics of performance. Frankfurt 2004. Page 11.
“History is not a question of essences either, but of movements; the essences belong more to the purely theoretical instrumental, that is, an abstract construction, on which a way of looking is based, a place from which to place oneself in front of the scene (of history) and an attitude or power with which sustain a performance from a present, in that theater of operations that is also the university environment. And the meaning of history has more to do with the direction of those movements, always made from a present, than with the meaning of those foundations that, as historical, are also mobile..."
[2] Ma Isabel García Monreal Professor of Qigong Institute of Qigong. In the 6th century AD, in southern China, the figure of a solitary, educated and intelligent Hindu monk named Bodhidharma appeared, recognized as the twenty-eighth Hindu patriarch of Zen Buddhism and the first of Chan Buddhism in China. Like many other initiators of promoting an innovative spiritual movement, his life and work is shrouded in enigma. There are several versions of the origin of Bodhidharma, also called Damo (Bo-di-da-mo), the most accepted is the one that tells that he belonged to the lineage of a king from South India and that in his category of prince he formed his studies in the Nalanda Temple. He practitioner of Buddhism in his role as a Brahmin or Hindu priest. Other versions attribute him to coming from Persia, and others classify him as an Indian warrior, knowledgeable of an ancient empty-handed martial art called Vajramu.
[3] ibid. “The spread of Buddhism spreads from India through the silk road. When Damo arrived in China, the cult of this doctrine had already taken root for 500 years before, with numerous cult monasteries, where the monks dedicated themselves to the study of the Sutras or sacred texts that compile the teachings of Buddha, and to configure them. in a less complex way to make them more accessible, adding new texts and comments to be able to bring them closer to an infinite number of devotees, Buddhist practitioners of the Chinese people, from the emperor to the humblest person in the population”.
[4] ibid. The new Mahayana Buddhist movement brings the figure of the Bodhisattva or person who renounces reaching "enlightenment" to dedicate himself to helping other beings suffering from him, lavishing Virtues or Paramitas and Compassion. This approach indicates that every person is capable of achieving "enlightenment" through good works and actions, concepts that are related to and complement the Confucian ideas of ethics and values, and as was the case with Taoist philosophy, which worked on the idea of Emptiness or Great Void of Buddhism. The Mahayana line to follow diversified into several schools, highlighting the Zen school in Japan and Chan in China. "A transmission outside of the teachings, not trusting words or letters, pointing directly to the heart of man and becoming a Buddha." Attributed to Bodhidharma (5th-6th century) India/China. Zen in the West is known as a form of Japanese Buddhism, but the word Zen comes from the transliteration of the Chinese word Chan, short for Channa, derived in turn from the transcription of the Sanskrit Dhyana, whose meaning is meditation or absolute silence. of the mind. Zen Buddhism is characterized by its devotion to the practice of meditation. In Chinese Zen or Chan, the (spiritual) authority comes not from the scriptures, but from the lineages of "enlightened" masters. By tradition, it defines itself by 4 principles: First, transmission outside of orthodox Buddhist teachings through their lineages. Second, The experience above the scriptures. Third, address the mind directly, and fourth, emphasize examining one's own original nature and achieving "enlightenment."
[5] https://www.wordreference.com/definicion/tatami: Tapestry or padded mat used to practice martial arts.