In other big secrets of God’s nature, scientists have discovered two giant mystery structures lurking under Africa.
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In other big secrets of God’s nature, scientists have discovered two giant mystery structures lurking under Africa.

Harriet Brewis (Source)


“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” God’s people rejected knowledge of His laws. In Proverbs 1:27-29, God warned His people that in times of calamity, they would call out to Him, but He would not answer because they “hated knowledge” and did not fear Him (Hosea 4:6)

Humans should seek His guidance to reveal the secret of his domain. We need the vigil and all his announcements to be shared with our spiritual eyes and ears. Humans look to the stars for answers to life’s most complex questions and sometimes look to the stars for God to reveal something of self. But some of the greatest mysteries lie beneath our feet, and God is within us waiting for our recognition.

Humans might think to know the?Earth?pretty well by now because we live in it, but our planet’s core remains shrouded in enigma. So limited human science recently discovered a glimpse of knowledge about the existence of two gigantic blobs located beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean, which occupy around six percent of the world’s entire volume. And yet, scientists are still not entirely sure what they’re made of or where they came from, but it is no mystery to God because it is His creation, not the creation of science.

Scientists hypothesize that they are piles of oceanic crust accumulated over billions of years. However, He knows the plans and details of His nature to nucleic particles and their sequential activities to a fraction of seconds well documented in His dairy. But a more interesting theory is that they are huge chunks of an ancient planet that hit the Earth around 4.5 billion years ago. To indicate just how massive these things are, the structure under Africa – an area known as Tuzo – is thought to be around 800km (497 miles) tall – the equivalent of some 90 Mount Everests stacked on top of one another, as?IFLScience notes. Still, the limitation of human science makes it difficult to determine the origin of these monster formations, as there are no direct ways of observing the Earth’s core. The most profound hole humans have ever dug – branded the "entrance to hell" – reached a staggering 12,263m (40,230ft), but that doesn’t even come close to breaking through the crust to the layers beneath. The most effective tool for analyzing what lies beneath the ground is seismic tomography, which looks at how waves of energy travel when?earthquakes?occur. Since rocks and liquids have different densities, the waves move through them at different speeds. By measuring the tremors from various points on the surface, geologists can determine what material the waves are traveling through and, in so doing, map out the Earth’s interior. The two unusual structures – large low shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs) – were found using this technique. Waves travel more slowly in these areas – fondly known as “blobs” – than through the surrounding lower mantle, indicating they’re made of something different. Based on seismic tomography data alone, we can’t tell what this material is. Still, some scientists like to believe that they are the remnants of an ancient planet called Theia – an idea known as the “giant impact hypothesis.” According to this hypothesis, around 4.5 billion years ago, a Mars-sized object collided with the Earth. This impact created the planet we call home today and threw off enough rock to form the moon that lights up our night skies. Some scientists suggest that some of Theia’s leftovers also sunk to the bottom of the planet, probably settling somewhere above the core – thereby forming at least one of the two LLSVPs. Experts have been investigating the area for decades, but there’s still no way of knowing exactly what these two giant blobs are. Still, studies into Theia have offered essential insights into how the possible collision might have kickstarted key plate tectonic and mantle motion inside our planet – crucial processes for establishing the world in which we live. It’s also a helpful reminder that we still have much to learn about our planet and where we came from.

Psalm 78:23?Yet He commanded the skies above and opened the doors of heaven,

Psalm 19:1??The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Deuteronomy 4:19??And beware lest you raise your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them, things that the?Lord?your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven.

Revelation God to believers and still human understanding of heaven is limited by the personal space he occupies after death. The revelation is about the extended universe that has no limit and cannot be defined by human language to date. Pray to God to bless the wisdom to reveal. Amen!

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Dr. Arega Nigussie (Walden Alumni Ambassador Network)的更多文章

