OTAT-PDX to Host Virtual Bone Ball
Register now for the free event, taking place on Tuesday, November 17th at 7pm PST: TheBoneBall.org.
"Now more than ever, during these trying times, we must adjust to the new normal and come together (while socially distancing) to embrace the uncertainty of this weird, unprecedented year..."
I would rather hear the word "moist" 1000 times a day from now until January than type that sentence even one more time.
You don't need me to tell you that this year has been a struggle, you've lived it just as I have. You don't need me to tell you that nonprofits have had to flip the script in terms of operational practices, your organization has likely done the same. This devastating year has been anything but pleasant, but through it all we at One Tail at a Time PDX have rescued more dogs than ever before, and we even started a new kitten rescue program to boot. So while the year itself has been fairly abhorrent, we're going to lean into the weird one last time in 2020 and I hope you'll join us.
Our annual Bone Ball Gala is typically a big, swanky affair in which people and pups alike get dressed up to celebrate another year of animal rescue, while toasting to what's yet to come. This year's gala is going to look a bit different- it'll be virtual for one thing, but our team has worked hard to create what I think will be an incredible, free event, and I'm excited to share it with each of you.
Bands will perform, bartenders will show how to make that perfect cocktail while puppies do their best to distract them, and we'll come together to celebrate the year that was for our little animal rescue that just continues to grow. I'd rather celebrate in person. I wish we could get dressed up, sip on cocktails and watch as our VIP tables interact with our newest litter of puppies. But alas, that just wasn't meant to be this year. That said, rather than dwell on what could have been, I plan on focussing on the positives of hosting a virtual event:
- You can wear whatever you want -- get super fancy from your head to your toes, or switch things up and attend in "Zoom Formal" attire (is zoom formal the new mullet?) Sweatpants, no pants; whatever your heart's desire; Home Ball is a judgment-free event.
- No need to secure a DD or spend money on a Lyft, you're already home. Hands down, this is the safest way to enjoy a cocktail.
- Your partner with social anxiety can attend.
- Your dog with social anxiety can attend.
- Everyone can attend- whether you live in Portland where our foster homes are, or in Texas, Puerto Rico, Idaho or any other area that we've rescued dogs from, all of our friends from across the country can attend this free event from the comforts of their own home.
- If you're an introvert, you can help us save dogs without talking to anyone.
- If you're an extrovert, you can help us save dogs while joining your very own watch party.
Regardless of how you came across this post, I hope you are staying safe, taking stock of what is truly important in life, and will consider joining us for an event like you've never seen before.
RSVP for free today at TheBoneBall.org, and if you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your support means the world to me, but even more for the animals that you'll help save as we turn the calendar to a brighter 2021.