OSU Co-Pilot Spotlight | Elena & Lottie
Co-Pilot Elena Gerken is the Volunteer Coordinator for Pilot Dogs Club at Ohio State. She is the long-term Co-Pilot to Lottie, a Labrador Retriever. She has also been a short-term Co-Pilot to Pilot Pups Jolene and Jet, helping with their socialization training.?
When asked why she became a Co-Pilot Elena said:
“I became a Co-Pilot because I have always had a passion for animals and wanted to put that to good use helping my community. When I learned about the Pilot Dogs program my freshmen year, it sounded like the perfect intersection of my interests.
As soon as I started attending weekly training sessions I realized just how much Taylor, Jim, Toni, and the rest of the Pilot Dogs team makes Pilot Dogs a home. Every time I learn something new about Pilot Dogs I fall in love with the organization even more. I am so grateful to have found this program, and to have been a step within the lives of the campus Pilot Pups.”