Osteoporosis: Diet for Stronger Bones

Osteoporosis: Diet for Stronger Bones

Importance of diet in Osteoporosis

Diet plays a crucial role when you are looking to prevent and control Osteoporosis. Foods that contain calcium, Vitamin D and minerals like zinc and magnesium are important for maintaining bone health.

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Osteoporosis is a common condition, characterized by gradual thinning of bones leading to fractures, back and neck pain, and loss of up to 6 inches of height over time in severe cases. Both men and women suffer from osteoporosis, but it is more commonly observed in women, especially after menopause. Since the bones turn brittle, osteoporosis patients are at a higher risk of suffering bone fractures, thus taking preventive measures plays an important part in osteoporosis. Consuming a diet rich in calcium, Vitamin D and minerals such as zinc and magnesium can help the patient lead a healthier life.

We are providing the necessary diet recommendations for Osteoporosis that can help.




Recommended Foods:

  • Calcium and Magnesium are vital in strengthening and maintaining bone health. Increase food rich in calcium like milk, yogurt, cheese, lassi( sweetened drink made from yoghurt), green leafy vegetables, wholegrain cereals, canned sardines and salmon (with bones), collard greens, turnip greens, kale, okra, Chinese cabbage, dandelion greens, mustard greens and broccoli, soy milk, rice milk,..
  • Food rich in magnesium such as dried fruits and nuts, wheat germ, banana, beetroots, green leafy vegetables, spinach, beet greens, okra, tomato products, artichokes, plantains, potatoes, sweet potatoes, collard greens and raisins. etc…
  • Increase your intake of dried fruits and nuts to maintain healthy bones and to prevent osteoporosis.
  • Include Vitamin D rich foods like salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines
  • Include Potassium rich foods like tomato products, raisins, potatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes, papaya, oranges, orange juice, bananas, plantains and prunes.



Foods for Moderate Consumption:

  • Osteoporosis sufferers should limit food rich is oxalates (such as beetroots, rhubarb)
  • High oxalate levels are known to reduce calcium absorption.
  • Vitamin C rich foods like red peppers, green peppers, oranges, grapefruits, broccoli, strawberries, brussels sprouts, papaya and pineapples.


Foods to Avoid:

  • It is best to avoid tea, coffee, caffeine, alcohol and refined sugars.
  • Excess of oil and salty foods can also reduce the calcium in the body, especially for the elderly.


Home Remedies:

  • Dandelion plant has abundance of organic magnesium. Freshly prepared juice from the leaves and roots or leaves alone are valuable for all bone disorders, it is often mixed with juices of carrot leaves and turnips for treating osteoporosis.


