Osteopathic Craniosacral Therapy: The Background and Benefits of This Alternative Healing Practice

Osteopathic Craniosacral Therapy: The Background and Benefits of This Alternative Healing Practice

by Mathilde Valade, Osteopathy Practitioner at?THE CLINIC by Medcare?in DIFC

The journey to getting back to good health or maintaining one’s health requires conscious effort and treatments which come in many forms. One safe, holistic, alternative way to keep our health at an optimal level is osteopathic treatment. This article brings you an overview of the craniosacral technique, a gentle therapy that can help to alleviate a wide variety of unpleasant symptoms.

Overview of Osteopathy

Osteopathy is a method of maintaining health through the manipulation of the joints and muscle tissue. It does not involve taking medication but is the use of manual therapy to achieve total body health. Osteopathy is used in preventing, detecting, and treating health problems by ensuring the ligaments, connective tissues, bones, and muscles are functioning harmoniously.

The process is most well-known for treating conditions that affect the bones, joints, and muscles. When performed, osteopathy can affect the body’s circulative, nervous, and lymphatic systems positively. It relieves muscle tension and pain, promotes the supply of blood to the tissues, and helps in the overall healing of the body.

Different Techniques Used in Osteopathy

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Osteopathy is an alternative, holistic treatment and there are many different techniques used by osteopaths. The selection of the technique is dependent on several factors as each of them does not address the same muscles, bones, or joints. Some of the factors responsible for determining the most effective technique are age, medical history, and pregnancy. Some different techniques of osteopathy available are as follows:

  • Craniosacral – This is the technique we are focusing on in this article and will be extensively discussed below.
  • Structural – The structural technique of osteopathy is the most practiced form of osteopathy. It is the treatment of malfunctions in the musculoskeletal system using manual techniques to move the joints and stretch the muscles. It is carried out with the expectation that by treating the structure, the functions will be restored.
  • Functional – This technique relies on the use of external help to mobilize tissues to correct lesions. It is further broken down into two types, direct, and indirect functional osteopathy, both of which are delicately performed, taking into account the pain of the person being treated. By gently moving the affected tissues, the barriers to movement are slowly relaxed and the lesion goes away thus bringing relief.
  • Visceral – The visceral technique addresses the visceral part of the body. By applying manual therapy to the internal organs, visceral osteopaths can relieve tension in the body which allows the body to heal itself.

Craniosacral Technique of Osteopathy

The Craniosacral Technique (CST) focuses on the craniosacral system which spans from the skull bones down to the tailbone. Craniosacral osteopaths use gentle pressure on the head, neck, and back to relieve compression and return the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid to normal. It is proven to relieve symptoms like headache, neck pain, migraines, sinus infections, and even the side effects of cancer. This therapy has also been helpful for patients struggling with IBS, stress, and mood disorders. However, the technique’s main goal is to promote fluid flow in the central nervous system, thereby enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

What to Expect in a Craniosacral Session

A craniosacral session at THE CLINIC by Medcare in DIFC

A craniosacral session begins with a consultation with the osteopath. This is to help them identify the problem and determine how to go about the session. It does not require taking off your clothing as the therapy area is around the head and neck. The osteopath then goes ahead to check for disruptions by applying gentle pressure to your facial system to access it.

The number of sessions needed to complete craniosacral therapy depends on what it is being used to treat. In most cases, the therapy lasts between 3 to 10 sessions, each lasting for about an hour. As osteopathy is a holistic medicine, your osteopath with use a variety of different techniques to achieve the desired result.

Why Should One Use the Craniosacral Technique?

One of the major advantages of the craniosacral technique of osteopathy is the fact that it can be performed safely and effectively on people of any age and on pregnant women. It is also used to help a wide variety of conditions be managed or treated. These conditions include but are not limited to:

1. Difficult pregnancy

2. Spinal cord injury

3. Sinus infection

4. Insomnia and disturbed sleep cycle

5. Neck and back pain

6. Stress

7. Mood disorders

8. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other digestive issues

9. Fibromyalgia

10. Migraine

11. Stroke

12. Neurodegenerative diseases

13. Colic in infants

14. Trauma recovery

Who Should Not Undergo the Craniosacral Technique

While the craniosacral technique can be used on a vast variety of people, it is not advised if you:

  • Have cerebral swelling
  • Have been diagnosed with an aneurysm
  • Have serious bleeding disorders
  • Recently had a traumatic brain injury or concussion
  • Have a disorder that causes the buildup of cerebral fluid or instability in the pressure of the cerebral fluid

It is best to let your osteopath know your medical history before commencing any form of osteopathic treatment.

Final Thoughts

There are many important approaches to maintaining good health. Craniosacral therapy is a great option for many people who are experiencing pain or simply looking for a holistic way to boost health and immunity. As you consider the use of osteopathic treatment, be sure to discuss your condition with your physician or osteopath to ascertain which technique will be best for you to go ahead with.



