OSHA Shines a Light on Arc Flash Hazards with New Guidance

OSHA Shines a Light on Arc Flash Hazards with New Guidance

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has recently released updated guidance on arc flash hazards, a critical safety concern for workers in various industries. This update aims to clarify existing standards, address common misconceptions, and ultimately prevent workplace injuries and fatalities. This article breaks down the key aspects of this new guidance.

Background: The Danger of Arc Flashes

An arc flash is a dangerous electrical explosion that occurs when an electrical current flows through the air instead of its intended path. This can happen due to various reasons, including:

  • Accidental contact with electrical conductors: This can occur during maintenance or repair work.
  • Equipment failure: Faulty or damaged equipment can increase the risk of an arc flash.
  • Buildup of conductive dust or corrosion: These can create unintended pathways for electricity.

Arc flashes produce intense heat (up to 35,000 °F), intense light, and a pressure wave, all of which can cause severe injuries such as:

  • Severe burns: Both to the skin and internally.
  • Eye injuries: Including blindness.
  • Hearing damage: Due to the loud explosion.
  • Shrapnel wounds: From molten metal and debris.

Reasons for the Update

OSHA's updated guidance is driven by the need to:

  • Reinforce existing standards: OSHA has existing standards related to electrical safety (29 CFR 1910 Subpart S) that address arc flash hazards. The new guidance helps clarify these requirements and provides practical advice for employers.
  • Address misconceptions: There are often misunderstandings about what constitutes an arc flash hazard and how to protect against it. The guidance aims to clear up these misconceptions.
  • Emphasize the importance of hazard assessment: A key focus is on the need for employers to conduct thorough hazard assessments to identify potential arc flash risks in their workplaces.
  • Promote safe work practices: The guidance highlights the importance of implementing safe work practices, including de-energizing equipment before working on it (even in low-voltage environments), using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and providing adequate training to workers.

Who Does This Guidance Affect?

This guidance is relevant to a wide range of industries where workers may be exposed to electrical hazards, including:

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Utilities
  • Oil and gas
  • Data centers
  • Any workplace with electrical equipment

Specifically, it affects:

  • Employers: Who are responsible for providing a safe working environment.
  • Electrical workers: Such as electricians, technicians, and maintenance personnel.
  • Safety managers: Who are responsible for implementing safety programs.

Key Aspects of the Updated Guidance

While a detailed analysis of the entire guidance is beyond the scope of this article, some key takeaways include:

  • Emphasis on de-energizing equipment: The guidance strongly emphasizes de-energizing equipment (even lower voltage equipment) before any work is performed. This is the most effective way to prevent arc flash incidents.
  • Importance of arc flash hazard analysis: Employers must conduct an arc flash hazard analysis to determine the potential incident energy and the required PPE.
  • Use of appropriate PPE: Workers must use appropriate PPE, such as arc-rated clothing, face shields, and gloves, when working on or near energized equipment.
  • Training and awareness: Employers must provide adequate training to workers on arc flash hazards and safe work practices.

Where to Find the Updated Guidance

The updated guidance can be found here on OSHA's website. It is crucial for employers and workers to familiarize themselves with this guidance to ensure a safe working environment.


OSHA's updated guidance on arc flash hazards is a significant step towards improving workplace safety. By understanding the risks, implementing safe work practices, and utilizing appropriate PPE, we can prevent tragic arc flash incidents and protect workers from harm.

If you need arc flash protection, goSafe has a line of Arc Rated and Flame Resistant gear perfect for your needs. This includes as Flame Resistant crew shirts, henleys, and more!

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