OSHA-Compliant Respirator Fit Testing On-site Fit Tests: Clearance Convenience,Safety and Compliance
Dr. Michael Tigges
Nationwide Mobile On-Site Health Services OSHA Surveillance Testing-OSHA Respirator Clearance-FIT Testing-Hearing Conservation Programs- SILICA Exam- DOT Medical Examiner - Drug & Alcohol Testing -FAA BASICMED Pilot Exam
KSA Occupational Services has fit testing solutions for every business type and size:?online medical evaluation,?on-site fit testing?at your location, or in clinic. Spirometry PFT Testing.
What Is a Respirator Fit Test?
A Respirator Fit Test is required by?OSHA?to ensure the efficacy of each mask in use by any employee while performing their job function to protect them from airborne hazards, including COVID-19.
A?medical clearance?must be filled out by each individual prior to their annual Fit Test. Clearance of this evaluation by a healthcare provider is required to confirm respirator use is safe for that employee. KSA conveniently offers?online medical evaluations?through our secure online portal.
On-Site Fit Testing
Online Medical Evaluation
What Is a Respiratory Protection Program?
Whenever OSHA standards or employers require respirator use?in the workplace,?OSHA?mandates the employer to develop a comprehensive Respiratory Protection Program (RPP). The RPP establishes a set of procedures to protect workers and train them in the safe and appropriate use of respirators..
How the Respiratory Protection Program Works
An OSHA-compliant Respiratory Protection Program must identify a dedicated, knowledgeable administrator and also explain the following processes:
In addition to regular program evaluation, employers must update the program’s written procedures whenever any changes in workplace conditions affect respirator use.
Respiratory Protection Compliance
KSA Occupational Services?online medical evaluations?and?respirator fit tests?support the goals of a Respiratory Protection Program – ensuring the health and safety of workers:
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Hearing Tests Pulmonary Function Testing Respiratory Medical Clearance DOT Physicals Drug and Alcohol Testing