OSHA 1910.28(b)(9)(i) New Fixed Ladder Requirements
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has provided little in the way of clear, concise requirements, until now. AS of January 17th, 2017, general industry employers can utilize several fall protection methods and systems in their workplace.
Under old Subpart D, fixed ladders of more than 20 feet to a maximum unbroken length of 30 feet had to be equipped with a cage or well. Cages and wells are fastened to the ladder’s side rails enclosing the employee in the climbing area of a fixed ladder. This was the required means of fall protection. OSHA says there is wide recognition that cages and wells neither prevent workers from falling off ladders nor protect them from injury when a fall occurs. Cages and wells simply contain employees in the event of a fall and direct them to a lower landing. For this reason, OSHA is phasing out the use of cages and wells as fall protection on fixed ladders.
?For caged, fixed ladders erected before November 19, 2018, employers have up to 20 years to install ladder safety or personal fall arrest systems (1910.28(b)(9)(i)(A))
? For new fixed ladders erected on or after November 19,2018, the employer must equip the ladder with a ladder safety or personal fall arrest system (1910.28(b)(9)(i)(B))
? For ladder repairs and replacements, when an employer replaces any portion of a fixed ladder, the replacement must be equipped with a ladder safety or personal fall arrest system (1910.28(b)(9)(i)(C))
?After November 18, 2036 all fixed ladders must be equipped with a ladder safety or personal fall arrest system (1910.28(b)(9)(i)(D))
?Ladder safety devices are designed so that you can climb without using your hands to operate the device.
?Do not climb while holding objects. Either carry them on a tool tether or have them hoisted up to you.
?Your connection between the carrier or lifeline and your harness or belt can be no more than nine inches long.
?When you reach the level at which you are exiting the ladder, make sure you remain 100% tied off by attaching to a SALA block or other device prior to disconnecting from the Ladder Safety Device.
Specialty Products & Systems is dedicated to keeping your employees safe. We partner with the leading manufacturers and work side by side with you and your applications to come up with the best solution that fits your needs. From retrofitting your ladders, to providing new Safety Platforms for a variety of applications, along with Safety Showers and Eyewash stations, we can assist. Let us help , give us a call at 513-265-9086 to schedule your free evaluation today.