Oscars and Apathy
Over the past twenty years the Academy Awards has lost half its audience. I am not watching the program tonight. Why am I not hosting? Undoubtedly someone was marginally offended by something I said at some point.
Liberals can be so uptight. In a way, I don't care about writing about why I don't care about the Oscars. Like College Football's postseason: the more they try to fix it the more broken it becomes.
Kevin Hart would have hosted the show well. I have no idea why Billy Crystal wasn't asked. Never forget- Billy Crystal took over after the awards show where Rob Lowe danced with Snow White. That was so bad I could not watch the clip on You Tube. It was Batman and Robin bad. Female Ghostbusters bad.
While Plan Nine From Outer Space is considered the worst movie ever made it is surprisingly watchable. Cheap to the point of absurdity. Easier to endure than that movie where Adam Sandler tries fitting as many products in one scene that the movie is funded by corporate sponsors.
Just like The Oscars. About ten years ago there were many awards shows starting with The Golden Globes that had the same people winning the major awards. That makes the Oscar almost a formality.
They want to make a shorter show. Why not create a relevant, interesting show? There are not many movie stars and very few stand up comedians that are known by all. How did stand up become a niche business? Johnny Carson, who was one of the greatest Academy Awards hosts ever, showcased comedians on The Tonight Show.
When Jay Leno took over he did not maintain that tradition. Comedians could make a name for themselves off one Carson appearance. Jay Leno broke no new ground. I am not watching the show.
Scrolling through other sites that we are constantly are reminded ARE NOT LINKEDIN! it seems Regina King won an award. Good for her. The year Jamie Foxx and Morgan Freeman won I thought the "Once a decade" perception for actors of color was removed.
#OscarsSoWhite only succeeded in reminding me how Asians and Latinos are under represented. Crazy Rich Asians received as many nominations as the movie I tried selling many years ago. Zero.
The Academy Awards should represent the best in film. That is hard when marketing made movies puerile and only super hero movies are noticed. Don't seek out the movies that make a lot of money. The Twilight movies made a lot of money and they sucked.
Just like all the awful LinkedIn videos and reality television (The Academy Awards used to be appointment television and are barely worth the space on a DVR now) there is a simple solution. Don't watch. The winners will be announced. I don't have a horse in this race. Watch it or don't. Do something productive with your time no matter what.