Orthogonal cutting is a basic idea in machining and manufacturing processes. It is often referred to as planar cutting or two-dimensional cutting. The cutting edge of the instrument is perpendicular to the direction of motion while cutting orthogonally. This cutting technique forms the foundation for more intricate machining processes and is frequently simplified for analytical and theoretical understanding purposes.
2. Components of Cutting Force : There are two primary components to the cutting force in orthogonal cutting:
Primary Cutting Force (Fc) : The real removal of material is carried out by the primary cutting force, which is applied along the cutting edge.
Secondary Cutting Force (Fs) : Shearing the material is the result of the secondary cutting force, which is oriented perpendicular to the primary cutting force.
3. Chip Formation : A chip produced via orthogonal cutting usually has a built-up edge (BUE) and a primary shear zone. Material separates along the major shear zone to generate the chip.
4. Tool Wear : Wear on a tool can result from orthogonal cutting in a number of ways, such as crater and flank wear. The pace and kind of tool wear are influenced by the cutting circumstances, the material of the tool, and the workpiece.
5. Machinability : Orthogonal cutting machinability of a material is determined by its hardness, toughness, and thermal conductivity, among other properties. Cutting operations are more predictable and controllable when materials are more machinable.