Orthodox Organisations are Struggling with recent Boom of AI (#ChatGPT)
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Orthodox Organisations are Struggling with recent Boom of AI (#ChatGPT)

No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come” ―?Victor Hugo

Its good to see that the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) is echoing again with the massive application of Logic learning machine (LLM) and Natural Language Procseesing (NLP) as General Pre-trained transformers (GPT). The idea which which has so simple interface that even a child of age 6 can make wonder out of it. But why a simple chatbot is bothering companies and professionals to either blocking it altogether or restricting its use. Does the application is really going to support us to perform task with a flashing speed or going to make us useless creatures. There is a lot of Buzz but certainly the dust will settle down with a complete transformation of digital world as we know it till now.

Very few of us know that the term AI was first coined by a group of researchers in 1956. Since then the field has evolved rigrously with many ups and downs. Till now the field has been more focus on problem solving that are not directly dealt with the mass applications like chatGPT. Prototypes of medical diagnosis syatems, rabotic arms for surgery, speech recognition sofwares, facial locking system in mobiles, autopilot system of aeroplanes, language translaion softwares etc. are all very common examples of AI systems which are already been in use with great success.

But why some organisations and professionals are in fear with AI and more specifically with chatGPT. One reason is the information leakage as the system has the ability to learn form input and can use it to answer other relevant occasions. Second argument is the personal information leakage which is being used by some comapnies. Therefore despite the tempting nature of the applications, many big names in world economics restricting its employees from using it. Similarly, some profesionals are thinking that they might be no longer needed in their positions as the AI application is far better and faster than their services.

Lets look at what happened in the past with blockers of game changer technologies. The ottoman empire lost the advaantage of 300 years by refusing to induct printing presses for far too long which ultimately contributed in the fall of empire. This story has much more details of how the power was shifted from the one of the most powerful empire, which overthrew the the romans from contantinople, to the people who even didnt even know much about reading, writing, science or engineering 100 years prior of this technology.

Coming back to the current context of chatGPT which is not less than a printing press of this era. All those who skip the boat would find themselves as loosers in a long run. We need to take this advancement as the oppertunity to excel the ways we work. The applications of AI are very handy tools for almost everyone no matter if we are a programmer, teacher, engineer or doctor. The real task is acceptance and get the best out of this tool.

Intrestingly, forward looking companies are already in the race to implement the technology in their various products. Definetely, there are many questions needed to be answered for the safe and ethical use of this technology but blocking it completely can never be a solution. Data safety, intellectual property, citation or reference and real ownership of the the content generated by AI are the issues needed to be resolved. History tells us that the techlogy can never be blocked completely. People generally find ways to access the applications of their interests.

The easiest way for organisations and professionals is to come up with novel ways for data privacy compliace and palgarism fighting. Shutting off the door to messenger is not best solution rather working on the development of best practices would be the better way forward.


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