ORTENGA is offering Receiver Sensitivity and Minimum Detectable Signal
Shahram Shafie
Technical Engineering Management, Product Architect, and Systems Definer, Antenna, at ORTENGA
ORTENGA is offering Receiver Sensitivity and Minimum Detectable Signal, MDS, and their relationship to Thermal Noise and Noise Figure Webinar starting on April 18th.
Enroll at https://ortenga.com/store-4/ortenga702/
Who should take this Webinar?
Engineers/Technical Marketing individuals who are interested:
- To learn about partitioning and budgeting noise figure for receiver
- To convert Standard requirement to noise figure IC budget
- To understand and quantify dominate thermal noise and/or noise figure block in receiver
- To trade off thermal noise between various blocks
- Product Definition/Limitation and Road map
5G and IoT technology will be relying on Wireless Digital Communication Technology