Orioly now speaks 8 languages and offers Braintree integration
Orioly updates - multilanguage support, Braintree integration and Croatian fiscal cash register support

Orioly now speaks 8 languages and offers Braintree integration

Last week we released a new Orioly upgrade with few major changes.

First of all, based on our customer feedback we made some small but important changes in Orioly "Book now" online engine and we introduced multilanguage support so now your customers can book in 8 different languages. Our engine automatically detects customer location and translates our booking forms to their language.

Braintree payment gateway integration

Braintree is a worldwide popular credit and debit card payment gateway supported in almost 50 countries. It's easy to setup and offers really great transaction fees (1.90% + $0.30 per transaction). Some of our customers are super thrilled we implemented this and I am sure all other clients will be interested in using it too.

It is possible to use two payment gateways at the same time so every Orioly client can set Braintree and i.e. PayPal to be two possible payment methods.

You can find out more if you check our blog and of course if you login / signup into your Orioly account.


