Original leadership and the language of the heart

Original leadership and the language of the heart

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?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

Shining another light on love ...

True, original leadership is knowing the difference between the long for justice and the lust for revenge. And act upon it.
- free after Maya Angelou, Ans & Alja -

More and more the source that causes the difference between a healthy, purifying human(e) ego and a disturbed, narrow minded ego becomes visible to me. Including the role images, words and language play in their development.

The energy of the both ego’s originates out of the same source, our life-force. And in essence they both work to serve life and love, out of care for all of life encompasses.

As well at the physical, emotional, mental as spiritual levels that are present and can be experienced in this earthly existence. The consequences of the two can differ however tremendously.

A healthy and purifying functioning ego is based in a sense, knowing and awareness of how to listen to our life-energy. Being able to translate and understand, follow and guide it.

A disturbed and narrow minded ego is grafted on an image, a conviction over life and how it should be like. And its energy is directed and deployed to fulfil this picture we, as humans and humanity, have created ourselves and are maintaining. To comply with that.

Originating out of the experience not to know or being educated in how to create a meaningful life in which everyone can develop their aptitude, abilities and talents. In such a way that allows us to develop and own up our essential selves. To live a life in which we can thrive and be completely ourselves. Being connected with and belonging to ourselves, being able to live with each other.

It took me some decades to finally realize, in the fullness of all I can currently comprehend of the force we call love, that there is an essential difference in our will and way of thinking, when it is saying:

I don’t want to die ór I will live.

Resonating with the undertone in it, saying; I demand to live so I don't have to die and no matter what I will keep existing. Or to live my life out of the deep wish to give shape to my inspiration and develop an awareness of all life encompasses together with my fellow human beings.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

Metaphorically described

It is the difference between a Voldemort and a Harry Potter and the way they act and behave.

A Voldemort by silencing everyone who stands in his way with the words ‘Avada Kedavra’, a killing lash, a curse meaning ‘let the thing be destroyed’ that causes an instant death, without leaving any marks or traces behind. In which hatred is used as a solution because a Voldemort doesn’t really want to hear what in essence is being said. No questions asked, because true answers have to stay unknown. Holding other ones accountable, so they don’t have to take responsibility for what's really present and being alive in themselves.

And a Harry Potter by protecting himself, when he's being attacked, with the spell 'Expelliarmus' which means 'I refuse to allow any weapon to be used'. A spell that works disarming when a Harry Potter is deeply connected in the love for his own life, also for his hatred. It is a spell that reflects purely and answers what is addressed to him and returns it. In doing so, answering the true intention in the message, with respect for everyone's life. An intention which can be understood by listening to everything a Harry Potter perceives from the outside and feels within himself. Of which he is aware. In order to stay alive on the many levels of his existence. Wondering what it’s all about and will lead to.

It's the difference between discussing and debating (fighting) each other, based on unsubstantiated criticisms, misusing others in favor of being right. Or having a conversation (listening to understand) with each other, contributing to a broader awareness and completing each other's views to do each other justice.

It's the subtle difference in intention between 'I'm doing this for you' or 'I'm doing this with you'. Between belittling someone else so you appear to be more powerful and can derive your power from there and profit from it. Or to develop strength and power together, so everyone becomes skilled to use and apply them with decisiveness for the better of all, when needed and asked for.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

Metaphorically many of us sense the truth in this. When it comes to our own lives we struggle however to comprehend it entirely in our own experiences, emotions and mindset. And we divide the power of life by making distinctions between hate as something bad and love as something good. Emerging out of the consequences that are visible shown on the surface and how they make us feel.

In an attempt to avoid the painful consequences and control our feelings, we are taught to suppress and deny our hatred and replace it for (some kind of) love. Which is very convenient for all the oppressors … including our own rationalized way of thinking. Because now we can't be hold responsible and accountable anymore for someone else's pains and feelings of devastation and torment, convinced as we are that we don't act out of hatred but out of love and what is good for them.

And that’s enough … no questions asked, anymore.

All problems solved …

Having complains and expressing your grief, pain or discontent about the way you’re treated? Then you are the one that’s making it all to difficult and complex and really has to lighten up … or else shut up. Because 'my life is a lot easier without you in it … whining'.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

Voldemort’s coldhearted hatred is grafted on the experience of not being welcome and feeling loved for who he truly is. At birth his mother died. She had a deep wish to protect him from being his own self and living his essence, in order to prevent him from the suffering she had to endure during her lifetime. She had a deep wish he would look like his muggle dad and become like him.

While growing up in an muggle orphanage he turned out to be different than others. Not understood, he became a loner. When Dumbledore noticed his talents and took care of him, the only thing he felt was distrust and betrayal. He couldn’t open up for love. He didn’t know how. Voldemort had gradually learned to survive and knew how to use people for his own benefit and profit from them. His past had put a stamp on his life and determined his mindset during the rest of his life.

He directs the energy of his life-force to create a life in which he only loves himself and is adored as the ‘one and only master’. Saying only 'yes' to himself, silencing everyone else who thinks differently.

He leads his life and followers by conquer and divide, with devastating consequences, also for himself. In indifference, directing his hatred towards others, making himself very clear in saying; I will be the one who lives, even when it means you have to die for it.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

Harry Potter's mindset is based on an almost forgotten sense of once being deeply loved by both his parents. When Voldemort threatens to kill Harry, because of a prophecy that he can become a threat for him in the future, his mother sacrifices her life to save his. She thereby transfers her love for him to him. A love that since then flows through his veins and make him feel secured. It enables him to stay open to all aspects of life, despite (or maybe thanks to) what happens to him during his life. Her spirit is with him and guides him through very difficult moments in his life.

At the same time however a part of Voldemort's spirit attaches itself to Harry and a connection is created between them. Of which the scar on Harry's forehead is a visible sign that characterizes him as 'the one who lived'. It plays painful palpably up when there is some form of contact between Harry and Voldemort. Especially when intense emotions are experienced.

Growing up with his Muggle aunt, uncle and nephew, who treat him like scum and make him feel as if he is unworthy and doesn’t belong, he has to suppress his talents, who strike himself as odd too. Harry is not understood in his good intentions, in trying to do no harm. Especially when he gets angry and strange things happen.

He has to live through the struggle to distinguish himself from the Voldemort in him who is able to manipulate his thoughts and determine his behavior. And get through the hardships to distinguish himself thereof in order to be able to make a difference.

To Choose between chasing ‘The Deathly Hallows’, objects with magical powers that can be used to fool and hide from death and gain power over life. By using the resurrection stone, a stone which can summon the spirits of the dead, and enable you to enter a twilight world where you can live on with the spirits of your deceased loved ones. By using the cloak of invisibility, which renders the user completely invisible, enabling you to even hide from death. And by wielding the Elder wand, an immensely powerful wand that was considered unbeatable, so you can face any battle with death, knowing that you will survive and prevail.

However, they can also be objects that can assist you when it is time to face what is dying within yourself. To let go of it so you can be released and liberated from carrying this burden any longer.?Enabling you to, within your own power, transform your life into a new state of being. Into a renewed consciousness. Aware that the spirits of your loved ones are always there with you in love for you. Your visibility allows you to distinguish yourself from what is disturbing and keeps you away from being your own self. By developing the skills to disarm the creator of the source of the disturbance in you, so the disturbance can no longer be fed and will die out.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

Or to choose to dismantle ‘The Horcruxes’ Voldemort has created as an extension of himself. Magical objects, in which parts of his exanimate soul are anchored, which justify killing someone in cold blood without any regard for the person's life. An indifference that allows him to maintain his attachment to life and protects him from having to live through his own death, making him appear invincible and thus immortal.

Horcruxes are hosts for the darkest side of darkness where there is no difference made anymore. By dismantling them, they can no longer harbor these parts of Voldemort's indifference and the image they carry within themselves will be negated and the intention will die out. When it has served its purpose and is no longer needed.

A Horcrux contains the (unconscious) idea that death kills all of life and therewith love will disappear too. So for the sake of love death has to be conquered. This instead of living with the awareness that death is a part of life and is a companion who will one day invite your soul to ‘cross over’ and guide you during the process. Out of love for your being, leading to another state of consciousness.

However, the host of the idea also prevents the darkness from being able to shine brightly with all the colors it possesses. And of being loved for her ability to discern. Being able to dive into the depths of life and fathom our shame, hatred, fears, pains and judgmental thoughts.

To sense, perceive, feel their essence and translate its tellings so its value can be seen and understood. Based on a pure, clear assessment of factual perceptions and observations, to which appropriate action can be taken. Able to receive and answer the whole truth of it.

By making the difference clearly visible and by distinguishing what serves life and what is destructive.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

When all our emotion are owned up and our thoughts over life are respectfully aligned with and following natural laws of life and its universal processes, the love present in them can be experienced and lived, and we can all thrive in life.

Harry Potter acts out of an awareness what hatred can cause and the consequences it can have for someone’s life. Based on his lived-experiences he is able to choose to use his life- force and the energy he has to live and create a life in which everyone is involved and loved. And is treated with the respect they deserve based on the choices they make, on their behaviors and the way they act.

Saying 'Yes' to what brings live and 'No' to what causes no-life.

Always with respect for the ones he meets by judging purely their behavior and aligning his answers?to what he knows, perceives and is aware of. Having care and consideration for the consequences it has for everyone involved. Guided by an moral compass, being educated by life itself.

Harry Potter is able to change the energy of his hatred into a power that he can use to be firmly anchored, aware of the reality he is in and his wish to live out of love for life. It enables him to set his boundaries straight. He's able to use the ultimate I-message and disarm everyone, by saying: This is my life and I want to live the love I have for it. Even if it means I have to (also physically) die.

He chooses to dismantle the Horcruxes and during his search for them the Deathly Hallows come to him to be used, as they were meant to be used, to face Voldemort so he can die.

There is a huge difference between a thought that hosts a conviction in it that there is nothing in-between life and death. When I die I will lose my life and the love for it will disappear in oblivion.
?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg
And the thought that’s open for the possibility that there might be an eternity of love present in-between life and death. Living through death I can become one with all life has to offer and encompasses.

Now you might say: Okay, sounds true ………. and it’s a children book. In real life it’s totally different.

To me it’s not.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

Lived in history

I recognize in the metaphors of this story a universal life process many of my fellow human beings once had to live through while standing up for (their) truth. Where many still are going through and where humanity seems to be caught up in, sometimes even entangled. Out of an intense search and deep wish they have to live out of love for life and care for what is true. Finding a way forwards ...

Visible lived in the life-experiences of Nelson and Winnie Mandela, who stood up with the members of the ANC against the regime based on Apartheid in South Africa. Striving for equal rights and?justice for all. During this struggle one day Nelson Mandela was, together with other ANC leaders, captured and brought to trial.

These are the closing words of Nelson Mandela speech, during the Rivonia Trials in 1964:

‘During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination.
I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.
It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.’

Nelson Mandela was fully aware of the fact that the judges saw him and his fellow freedom fighters as terrorists. They wanted to sentence them to death. After these words the judges decided however to sentence them to be imprisoned for life on Robben island. In an attempt to prevent them from becoming idolized as martyrs, which could give them the status of true heroes who died for a greater cause. Better to ban them and let them rot in jail, where they would be forgotten in time and die a lonely death, followed by their movement.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

More than the words Nelson Mandela spoke, it was the tone of his voice that contained a truth in them that resounded in court. He meant what he said and whatever happened to him, he stood for his ideal. He would never abandon this ideal. That was here to stay as a wish of many souls. It was (and is) an ideal whose importance extended beyond his own life. Deeply grounded, anchored and rooted in the reality Nelson found himself in, he stood for the love of life. He faced death while sharing a life-truth.

Nelson Mandela was tortured and his guards tried to diminish him into just a prison number. He had always known, instinctively and intuitively, that when he would cave in to humiliations leading to dehumanization, his mindset would be imprisoned too and therewith he would lose his freedom completely.

He would mentally be taken hostage based on someone else’s believe, who claimed that he was nothing more than the prison number they had given to him. An object, a thing, that deserved to be treated as such. Therewith he would be deprived of his soul. A soul that lived in his body and formed a unity with his mind and heart. It would also strengthen the hostage takers in their beliefs and reinforce their thinking and behavior, saying that they were right and that it was justified to act as they did.

Nelson Mandela didn’t argue with the guards. He respected himself and responded every time he was named after the prison number they gave him with: ‘You can call me mister Mandela’. Therewith validating his truth and disarming the other ones by disempowering their idea that he was just a number. He also decided to learn the language his guards spoke, because he knew that when you speak a second language you reaches the mind, when you speak someone’s native language you touches someone’s heart.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

Outside the gates it was Winnie Mandela who kept their joined ideal and his memory alive. Who kept the fire burning and stood for the wish every human being and every living soul has; to have the right to exist and be enabled to live their own life, filled with love, care and consideration for each other. To have this legalized in the laws of their own country, the natural right every human being has when he’s born: To be, because he is! Nelson Mandela, the goal the ANC strived for and their ideal became, thanks to Winnie Mandela's efforts, world widely known.

When after 27 years Nelson Mandela was released from prison he and his guard had become best friends, who respected each other deeply. The ANC became, after being banned for years, an official party who won the elections in 1994. Nelson Mandela became president and with that Winnie's goal was achieved and it completed maybe also her life mission.

Their struggles changed globally many thought-constructions and mindsets and brought insights in how oppressing of others, restrained both groups of experiencing a delightful, valued and worthy life, because everybody is being held hostage by a thought over someone else. Without ever having asked an essential question to the other one, or having received such a question from the other one ...

Reality is also that an authentic and intrinsic leader (religious, indigenous, artistic, scientific, historical, philosophical, political, sportive etc.) can’t change on his own all life’s and be there for everyone personally. It is simply beyond his responsibility as a fellow human being and is more than one human can bear. It's everybody’s own individual responsibility to learn from what’s being offered and to integrate it into their own lives, by doing it.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

They tell and share an awareness though and speak an universal language, that touches many hearts and can move people individually to change, because of a deeper inner need living inside them. To be healed from beliefs and convictions based on hollow words containing disbelieves over life and harboring lies that can be too painful to bear. To be loved again.

Realizing that the thought that has contains a condemnation of someone (a Horcrux), to which once was held forcefully on to, is outdated. Knowing the time has arrived to liberate the thought of the dark side and the indifference in it, by making a difference. By letting go of the idea of??'being right about him or her' and face the reality and consequences your thoughts and behavior have for the other person. Becoming aware of the other one and asking yourself if you really mean what you says and do. Whether you wish this on yourself too, as being a human being and therefore a fellow human being.

Like Harry Potter had to die to be liberated from the Horcrux that kept him connected to Voldemort, allowing him to exist. And he rose from death to disarm Voldemort with the ultimate I-message; 'I will not allow any weapon to be used against me.' A life-love force that never can be conquered, and carried out Voldemort's spell 'let the thing be destroyed' exactly, literally and in its essence, by letting Voldemort destroy himself.

Liberating Harry Potter from a heavy burden that he had carried with him since his early life, a burden that turned out not to be of his own and was based on Voldemort's interpretation of an idea, a prophecy, which might have been about him ... or not. That one of them had to die ...

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Looking back in history there is a pattern visible that when an intrinsic, authentic, fellow humane leader steps down, resigns or passes away, close fellow workers, colleagues or friends take over the position. Which is possible because they have strived and stood for the same ideals. And they can profit from their predecessors glory as it radiates and reflects on them too.

Successors, and followers too, may therefore think that they know just as much about it ... without having gone through the whole process themselves, having lived it into the deepest depths while stumbling through the intense darkness of their heart and soul in search for answers. The danger exists that they (unconsciously) create a semblance of reality which seems to resemble reality and they base their leadership on that. Which can eventually lead to a (very) narrowed minded form of leadership in which only a few still reap the benefits of what is in essence meant to be for everyone.

However authentic, veracious thoughts don’t die out and vanish away in oblivion. They are here to stay, to learn from and be educated in, and to apply in life so we can individually be empowered to live our own life and our inspiration. To create and cherish, to enjoy and love it. To stand within ourselves with ourselves, in togetherness with others and in our minds with the authentic leaders who lived before us, who live now and who will live after us.

Authentic leaders leave the choice and the question behind if we are individually prepared to live up to and fulfil this ideal in our own lives.

Or to choose not to do so and leave the question unanswered …

It's the choice to choose to develop warmheartedly inner values and share them or to??pursue and collect coldheartedly outer ones.

Aware of the consequences it will have for life, all lives …

The choice not to choose is the choice to remain unconscious. And carry on using your power irresponsibly.
-free after Gary Zukav-
?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

A life wisdom

In my ongoing search for answers to life's questions, to what words bear within themselves and is in essence shared by language, I also listened over the years to the experiences and stories shared by indigenous peoples. The wisdom keepers of our world. Recently amongst others to Nowaten, Oren Lyons, Sammye Jo Harvey and Angaangaq Angakkorkorsuaq, all to be find on YouTube.

In their words and the way they use language I found answers on a deeper level. I recognized my own original, authentic mindset and gained a deeper understanding of what has often moved me and led to confusion and distress within me.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

The wisdom keepers are sharing their indigenous wisdom for over decades, No; for centuries. Inviting everyone to listen to what life is really all about and what it is sharing with us. Creating an awareness in the difference between the way they see life and use their language and how dominant people, religions and cultures do.

How they acknowledge the presence of the spirit and name it. In everything of nature, all flora and fauna, they recognize animated fellow beings to whom we humans are related. With which we are connected, sharing the earth with and with whom we live. Relatives who are therefore also fellow human beings and are named as such.

There are standing-people (trees), two-legged-people (humans), four-legged people (who when they bark are dogs), winged-people (birds), the earth is our mother, the moon our grandmother, the sun our father, the wind our grandfather, de stars our ancestors … And water and soil are sacred and deeply honored by being cared for because all life originates from them.

Just as the feminine in nature can bear children and provide for food, so can provide the masculine the feminine with the care needed to do so. Hence the earth and the universe are called feminine and are leading in life because everything originates from them, and the masculine is in essence following, as the caretaker for the survival of life.

In essence, every living being possesses a natural life force so it can grow, develop and thrive in life, until the time has come to die physically and make room for new life. This natural life force consists of a feminine and a masculine energy, in which the internal and external communication (in the broadest sense of the word) between them is essential and should be purely attuned to what is required by life.

Where one should take care of, considering inner and outer living conditions, which may arise in life. When the communication on a cellular level, energetically pure is attuned onto each other, there is harmony and there is a co-operation based on equality and a unity is formed.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

When, in whatever way, a dissonance penetrates and reverberates in the communication, a noise will occur that may lead to a miscommunication, which disrupts the harmony, creates an imbalance and a disturbances that can lead to unrest and divides the unity. As a result, a duality can arise in the unity that has become unbalanced. By offering resistance it will ask for care and attention so the source can be removed, the communication restored and the organism healed.

If this is not heeded, the message will intensify, which can ultimately lead through struggle to separation, rejection or even mortification of health and meaning. And the message will be passed on until it is understood in its essence and an essential change can take place that can lead to transformations in and of life.

Every person has a feminine and masculine energy, which makes it possible to survive individually. However, we need each other to grow, develop and thrive in life and on this earth. Pure communication is essential in this.

The primal mother language of the indigenous peoples, which bears worldwide the same intention within it and shares the same visions and wisdoms, ensures that you can in an instant be connected at a soul level with every element of life. With the nature of the earth and the universe, with the energy of life and the power of love. It is a language that immediately connects you to your 'HOME', the place to which we all belong.

It is a language that begins with breathing and listening to what is asked for, by life…

A language that tells of spiritual laws, which are natural laws, human laws. The laws of human nature. Of respect based on a moral awareness and common sense. Aware of the responsibilities we have with regards to life, to each other and to nature.

A language that can be perceived by our senses and felt deeply in the quiet moments, as we listen to each other's necessities. To take care of them, from an awareness of the consequences our choices have for the next 7 generations to come of all living people. Of all flora and fauna present on Mother Earth.

The simple question to answer?is; Is what I do harmful?

It's better to listen quietly to life's wishes.
-Toon Hermans, Ans en Alja-
?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

This while dominant people use language to talk about life, all life's including the one's of fellow human beings, as a resource to profit from and to figure out the best way to apply and (mis-) use them for their own benefit.

In essence, this is what has happened to many of us. We have become prisoners of images and thoughts that through the ages have been presented and passed on to us?as the truth. Representations and ideas with which we are impregnated and have to follow in order to be someone, to avoid being a nobody. Without questioning them or questioning ourselves. As a result we have become almost imperceptibly detached from our spiritual essence and we feel lost in a life that is not essentially our own.

Disconnected from the energy we in essence are, of the unity in our intrinsic ‘I’. Of the words and language that connects us with ourselves, each other and all other life forms. Of those who we are naturally meant to be.

In which the masculine energy has come to dominate over the feminine and the feminine energy has started to undermine the masculine, so they both have no solid ground to stand on anymore. And man in himself and humanity as a whole has become involved in a struggle full of contradictions, where there is hardly any ear for an answer based on spiritual truths or an eye for natural laws, in which feelings have value and experiences are leading and cared for.

Many are living unconscious a fragmented life and have learned how to avoid and numb the realities of their emotional life. By being misinformed about their true narratives, these are no longer understood in their essence. Unaware how to recognize, acknowledge, own up and deal with anger, rage and hatred and with fears, shame, sadness and pains, who are covering up a deep, inner human life need, so true love can be celebrated. Instead of choosing for the truth of our earthly reality, caring more for comfort and conveniences.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

Perhaps this is why mental health problems are increasingly coming to the surface and are shown visible in (body)language and behavior, to share what is being lived in the depths of life. Because its underlying narrative is that there is a void, a vacuum, between what we believe to be true and how we truly feel. It must be taken seriously, because therein might lie a key that can unlock the dark within us and bring insights that lead to a renewed awareness of life and love itself. Allowing the dark to be enlightened and let it take its place and function in life again, in consciousness. And has the use of pure language an essential function in this.

Out of owned up hatred a tremendous love can arise, when it is deeply grounded into the earthly existence and the spiritual reality of it is firmly anchored in the natural laws of life, out of the will to live and serve. Out of love for life itself.

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

About Love …

As I have come to know the force called love, it is neither hard nor soft. It is a life force that in its essence is pure. It shapes and creates, in the moment itself, what is needed and asked for by life. It can be pleasantly tender and soft in one moment and immovable and extremely hard in the next one.

Clear in her boundaries, aware of the possibilities that life has to offer and can provide in the moment when asked for. Purely indicating and specifying in which we match witch each other and differ from each other. So it becomes clear and visible for ourselves and to everyone else in which we are equal and distinct. Which makes it possible to take in and stand in our own place and space and be our own unique and authentic self. Enabled to develop our talents, capacities and capabilities. To become skilled in being a human by being a fellow human being.

Guided by life,

through death to new life,

through hate to love,

through fear to trust,

through shame to dignity,

through disconnectedness to being related,

through lost in oblivion to an existence,

through inferiority to being valuable,

through superiority to humbleness,

through ignorance to consciousness,

through indifference to being distinctive,

through pain to breathe,

through live through all life is offering to us leading to a renewed life.

To be able to master and guide our own thoughts and emotions. And be in relation to and in connection with ourselves and all of nature’s people.

Love encompasses everyone and everything in life.
?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

It means being aware of, caring for and empathizing with, the limitations and possibilities of every life. By respecting natural laws, realizing they are spiritual laws and therefor representing humane truths and values.

Fully aware, purely judging in word and action, what these limitations and possibilities mean and imply for the life of everyone involved. By taking it into consideration, being accountable, responsible and live up to it.

'Realizing there is a deep sense of self-worth and love for myself present in the hatred I feel when injustice is done to me. It takes courage to face this hatred and pain I experience, that naturally arise out of injustice, and acknowledge them as my own truth.

To choose to experience this painful truth to the fullest, which bears a painful agony, fear, rage and shame inside itself. By focusing on a deeper source of the disruption that is still present in me. Liberate myself thereof by showing my emotions and share with my fellow human being what the experiences did with me. To listen and be open for life answers and liberate words from being misused. From unowned emotions and prejudices that are marinating in my mind and body, preventing me from feeling my heart and being unaware of the love for my existence.

In deference for and dedicated to my life and that what inspires her. From a deep trust knowing that my body always tells truth and is worthy to be loved by myself and forgive myself for all the times I didn't believe this to be true about myself.

Offering an opening to anyone else to also recognize his own self-worth and the love for themselves. Liberating their life and its inspiration from denial, betrayal and destruction. To live and share their whole truth.

This Instead of ignoring the hatred I feel, sliding my painful truth aside and lash it resentful and vindictive out on someone else, making them responsible for the feelings and emotions I have, in an effort to revenge the pain of the injustice (once) done to me. Therewith multiplying my own hatred.'

?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

Unowned hatred (Avada Kedavra) can be disarmed with a lived I - message, saying; This is me, I exist and this is my truth (Expelliarmus!).

This is my life and I am here to stay. I won’t go along with your denial of me, of my existence and my truth. Of my reality, simply because I am not present in it.

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.
-Maya Angelou-

By being humble to the bone, fulfilled with dignity, grace and worthiness, thankful for life, fully aware of and respecting natural, healthy, earthly and spiritual laws based in an ancient and indigenous, humane wisdom. In which common sense and a moral awareness are leading.

Being able to guide the energy of my life-force and live out of love for all peoples life’s. Realizing that we’re all connected through death to life. And can rise, into our own selves by doing the work to use language in such a way that it connects the body, heart and mind, with the soul we are and to all life forms living on this planet. Treating everyone as relatives, because we are in energy equals in all our diversities. Out of a deep wish to exist and to serve life out of a deep and intense love.

To name it all and let it speak through words in language and let it resound in the tone of our voices.

To rise, standing in all, with all living … people. In unity, as one living organism. And Be.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.
-Maya Angelou-


Life is all about love,
-Alja and many with me-
?2021 Illustration, Alja Zwierenberg

?2021 Text and illustrations, Alja Zwierenberg

Very interesting. Speaks of the crazy times we are in now. Freedom of choice more vital than ever and not discriminating against those who choose another way. I choose to stand in LOVE. Thank you.


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