Origin of Universe

Origin of Universe

During the late 1920s, astronomer Edwin Hubble made one of the most crucial discoveries in the history of mankind. Hubble observed distant stars, planets, and galaxies using a number of telescopes and interpreted that the distant stars are traveling away from Earth in every direction. Also, the speed of the recession is increasing readily with an increase in the distance of separation between the distant celestial body and Earth. The latter has been confirmed by numerous experiments and studies since Hubble’s experiment which reflects on a vastly different understanding of the Universe itself where it implies that the Universe is expanding.

The latter had therefore certain deductions in the modern literature also. Since the Universe is readily expanding at an increasing speed in all directions, this implies that the Universe at one time was very compact suggesting that all the matter and energy in the Universe was concentrated in a very small and infinitely hot body. Followed by a huge explosion known as the Big Bang, the matter and energy were sent out expanding in space across all directions.

There were certain other deductions of the theory. One of them was that the temperature observed in deep space today in the infrared spectrum must be more than absolute zero. This was later confirmed by physicists who observed this particular phenomenon and confirmed that the background radiation in deep space has the same identical spectrum as predicted by the proposed Big bang origin of the Universe.

Following the expansion of the Universe, matter released from the explosion started coming together and coalesced together to form discs of clouds. These discs of clouds further began to condense and rotate making the first-ever galaxies. In some particular regions, with the presence of sufficient baryonic masses and right conditions, the gravitational collapse forced the cloud to collapse. If the mass of the cloud was sufficiently compressed, nuclear activity was ignited in the core and a star was born.



