The Origin of Religion
Chukwuebuka Abazie
Christian Content Writer ? Brand Strategist ? Product Manager ? Talk Podcaster ? Therapeutic Life Coach & Spiritual Tutor ? Focused On Providing Information & Solution Through Spiritual Enlightenment
For the most part, an average person does not truly know where traditions and religions originated from, I believe that religion first started as tribal gods, the lunacy of totems and magic formulas during the ancient civilizations of mankind as they were the primordial essence of religion. The background on the subject of religion pinpoints an intertwined nature of ghost worship that the early man participated in, due to their inability to discern adequately and their thirst to become relevant they dabbled into false worship to false gods. In my definition, religion is simply a set-on standard that’ve been put together by a group of people with the intention of controlling, manipulating or influencing their personal beliefs. I’ve always seen religion as the societal adjustments trying to explain the unknown to the known. I believe that this form of normalcy is deemed mysterious to the conscious mind because we’re surrounded by people who think and believe the same way, hence we begin to learn patterns and observe the activities of mankind that surrounds our everyday lives. Did you know that the first man that was ever crated was named ‘Atom’ and the word Adam simply came as a result of it? Did you also know that Adam being the first homo-sepian is the centre of all life on earth, whereas Atom is the essence of every and all living things? Hence Atom and Adam played the same role, that created each and every one of us today.
Scientific researcher shows that an Atom is made up of electrons, hence in order to multiply the energy of an atom you’d simply remove an electron from it. In the same way, the bible also explained to us that from Adam’s rib Eve was formed. God put Adam to sleep and removed one of his ribs to create a companion named Eve and from there reproduction of life began. In common sense, life in its entirety started by the splitting of an atom however the reason why the first man is called Adam is because it’s a play on word for Atom. By taking an electron from atom, energy is multiplied and by taking a rib from Adam, you multiply species. In general life itself began by the splitting of an atom, however every living thing has an atom in their bodies hence how come no-one ever told you this?
I believe that religion is a controlling entity that formed the basis of humankind and a predefining factor that governs the morals and ethics of man. Religion first originated in Europe during the dark age where people were not allowed to think freely, their choices and opinions was heavily influenced by those in power hence they were forced to believe and accept whatever was presented before them. The very fabric woven around our personal lives and the characteristics we exhibit was intertwined by religious beliefs, however religion divorced the real truth of who we are and the very core of our existence from us, replacing these truths with a different narrative of fear, lack and doubts in our minds. Hence these false facts became the beacon of warfare in the body of Christ today. How come no-one ever told you that the word “husband” means the mind and the word “wife” means emotions, hence when we join these two together we’d get the word “bridegroom” which symbolises Christ or Christ consciousness. Hence no-one ever told you that Jesus himself had to explain that the kingdom of God within you only manifests itself when there’s a balance between the mind and emotions, in order words husband and wife that’s within you.
The psalmist himself had to pen down what he saw when he had such profound encounter in Psalms 19 and it says; The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, And night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language; Their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, And rejoiceth as a strong man to run his course. His going forth is from the end of the heavens, And his circuit unto the ends of it; And there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
How then did nobody ever get the chance to see the truth written in the scriptures of the bible long enough to realise that we don’t need anything else to serve God other than offering ourselves in entirety to him, by simply aligning our spirits and minds to him. Isn’t it in your scriptures according to John 4:24 which says “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” How come no-one ever told you that you need no other person or religious group before you can come to God?
God is divine and he urges his children to align themselves to divinity practices as the goal of individuation differs for each and every one of us. Life experiences are uniquely different because it’s a personal journey of discovery and re-discovery. How come no-one ever told you that there’s nothing as “perfection”? Perfection is only a perception that has been created in our minds to see things a certain way and be judgmental or sentimental about anything else. The narrative of perfectionism is only a way of individual expression for attention or gratification hence we discard anything we think or feel is false simply because it threatens our one sided perception. There’s no such thing as a perfect church or perfect beliefs, it’s only a diverse of perception that’s been created by religion. Hence I believe no-one told you that you cannot find God anywhere else other than yourself, God cannot be found on the outside of you cause it already exists on the inside of you. You only need to acknowledge that he’s there and allow him guide your path and experience with him. Did you also know that Jesus himself made a clear sense of what I’m saying in the scriptures. The book of John 10:33 says that “Ye are Gods and when you declare a thing, it comes to pass”.
When will you also realise that you’re also a fragment of the universe and you’re also a fragment of that which created the universe? The term heaven and earth, as above so below, as within so without, all the scientific and gnostic terms all paints one picture of who you are. They all exist within you and you’re also part of that which is, meaning that the same power that formed you inside your mother’s womb, lives within you and will always be within you till your very last day. This was what Jesus was trying to teach you in the bible in the book of John 14:12; Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
Did you also know that what you call heaven located somewhere in the sky, and refer hell to be a burning place is a religious narrative to keep you in bondage and fear? I believe no-one told you that the gates of heaven is your mind and hell is your flesh? Hence your soul is always seeking for a place of rest and what you allow into your gates determines where your soul dwells. When you allow godly and uplifting things to flow into your gates through meditation and word study, your soul dwells in heaven. However when you allow negative and low vibrational things into your gates, your soul resides in hell which is your flesh. This is where the bible warned us in 2 Timothy 3:1-7 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
The sex and reproductive organs when used for the wrong reasons leads to death and that’s why the bible relentlessly warned us about the lust of the flesh like fornication, adultery and gluttony. The sexual energy is our life force energy, it’s called Prana or the Qi energy which typically means that it’s the centre of every being. Prana or Qi energy gives and regenerates life, however when it’s used in a careless and obstructive manner it depletes and eventually such individual to death. This might not necessary mean physical death but spiritual death, can be both as well. Hence when a being is spiritually dead, the physical vessel in due time fades off eventually. However when the necessary changes and actions are taken, such being can be restored by the spirit of God. Similarly when you retain the energy of Qi, you get revitalised and energised to go towards your goals in life. This is known as the semen retention or simply being celibate, to be celibate is to abstain from sexual activity and by abstaining from sexual activities you transmute that energy for something better and bigger.
In the forthcoming weeks, I'd be taking you on a swift journey of self discovery, awareness and core spiritual values of introspection & exploration. I believe that this enlightening experience will help you understand who you truly are and what your purpose on earth is. I'd encourage you to not just read about this message, but also take it to God in prayers for confirmation.