The Origin of opposition
Our world's timeline according to Genesis 1:3, begins about 6000 years ago (4000 years to the birth of Jesus and 2000 after the birth of Jesus). However, the earth and the heavens in Genesis 1:1 were created much earlier, millions of years ago. Before our world, there were many worlds. Amongst these, there was one in particular, which its events have an unfathomable impact on ours – the previous world, which was once ruled by Lucifer.
Lucifer was the best of all creation. He was the king of Tyrus, the name of earth during his reign. He was the epitome of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect beauty. He was in the presence of God (Eden) and was covered in precious stones: ruby, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and emerald. He was an anointed cherub, not an archangel. According to the angelic hierarchy he was five ranks higher than angel Michael. In addition, Lucifer was upon God's holy mountain and walked in the middle of stones of fire. Being part of the order of cherubim, he was a worshipper, but not an ordinary one, but one who was an instrument himself. The best ever created! When he spoke melodies followed after his voice (Ezekiel 28: 12-14).
Although there was only one order above him, the Seraphim, he was still the wisest and the most beautiful of all. Therefore, they had nothing on him.
However, all these changed when God created man in his own image and after his likeness, also known as version Adam.
Although Lucifer's fall had nothing to do with us (Ezekiel 25:15). He would always see us as a threat, and those that took his place. Similarly, besides Lucifer, we were the first in creation to be given unique attributes that were never given to anything before us: God's image, and were afforded the opportunity of his likeness. For the first time in creation something better than Lucifer was created. This will be further discussed in our next session – the Adam version.
Version Adam is a type of man described in Genesis 1:26. And he would fulfill God's agenda here on earth. Where Lucifer failed God put man, particularly the Adam version.
After Lucifer's fall and his supposed replacement - version Adam. His sole aim was to prove to God that his new creation was nothing compared to him, and that even though he had fallen, he was still the best of all creation. Furthermore, why was he punished and man afforded mercy through the blood of Jesus?
Therefore, as long as you are man, a descended of Adam and Eve, you are automatically an enemy of the devil, Lucifer's new job description. It does not matter whether you are productive or not, you only have to be born by a woman, and be an Adamic seed, not a fallen angel's, to meet the criteria of being opposed by the devil and his demons.
Since the version Adam took his place, they have to pay for it. At the same time, he would make God regret the day He punished him (even though it is not related to the version Adam) by proving to God that humans (the version Adam) are no better than he, or even worse.