The Origin of Martial Arts and it’s Moral Code
Sebastian Bates
Founder at The Warrior Academy & The Bates Foundation | Operating across 8 countries in 4 continents | Sponsoring 4,000+ Orphans & Street Kids | Award Winning Entrepreneur | 2x Best Selling Author
The Martial Arts have a long and fascinating history, by looking back at where it all began, we can see a clearer picture of why Martial Arts, as a self development tool, is so effective in solving the modern problems we face today.
It’s hard to deconstruct the true roots of martial arts, although there is clear evidence of its origin dating back a milenia. The earliest evidence comes in the form of patterns in tombs and caves around the world displaying “mock combat, while there’s evidence to suggest that the classical era marks the beginning of tradition in combat and specific martial arts styles, mostly wrestling styles in the form of shuai jiao, Greek wrestling or those described in the Indian epics.
China became the unofficial Capital of Martial Arts in 2600 B.C. In 2000 B.C. It has been written that Emperor Huang Di was a “shuai jiao” (wrestling) and pole-fighting expert and ensured his troops spent time studying martial arts. Mongolian tribesmen introduced a new style of wrestling to China around 770 B.C.; this art is believed to be the forefather of Sumo wrestling. The Mongolian style of wrestling also entered Korea and Japan and developed into individual arts. Records indicate that over generations Arts spread from China into India and Europe and Asia Minor (Middle East).
A Moral code
Most Martial Arts teach their practitioners to live by a strong moral code. Looking at some of the most popular Arts that have been taught for hundreds of years...
Judo, from Japan has it’s Moral Code, a set of 8 ethics (Courtesy, Courage, Honesty, Honour, Modesty, Respect, Self-Control and Friendship).
Many modern arts originate from Kung Fu and the moral code that they advocate, as have all Kung-Fu masters throughout history, is known as ‘Wude’. Wude is composed of two words: ‘Wu’ meaning martial and ‘De’ meaning morality. The Wude focuses on two parts, the morality of the mind and the morality of deeds.
TaeKwonDo from Korea has the 5 tenets of TaeKwonDo (Courtesy, Integrity, Indomitable Spirit, Self Control and Perseverance).
Bushudo had the 8 virtues of the samurai in Japan (Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Politeness, Sincerity, Honor, Loyalty, and Self-control)
Many other ancient arts promote their own set of ethics, morals, or tenets as a form of character development that is ingrained in the training and tuition to form the foundation learning, and is fundamental to the education of the practitioner.
These arts have been passed on from generation to generation and provided a character development education to thousands of young people with lessons passed on from instructor/mentor to student.
Evidently, there is a strong bond with instructor and student, and many arts hold in high regard the almost disciple journey students take as they develop through each style/art.
Traditionally, these Arts were passed onto future generations who have followed their instructors footsteps and eventually taught their own students. For many Arts, the lineage of instructor to instructor is vital to the integrity of the Art, while with more modern Arts the importance lies in the practitioner's experience and often cross training in several Arts builds this experience to complete them as a martial artist. Taking MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) as an example of the most modern conception of martial arts, combining the stand up striking of Muay Thai and Boxing. The grappling/throws of the Wrestling and Judo and the ground fighting of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to build an all round martial artist ideal for open style competitions and self defence.
It’s clear that Martial Arts has its roots in providing a strong framework and structure of morality to the lives of it’s practitioners while empowering the practitioner with the ability to defend themselves.
The mind, body and spirit approach of many martial arts is something I found parents are unable to source for their children through other clubs or classes that are typically available.
From studying the modern problems families have, it becomes clear that many solutions present themselves in the Martial Arts. Students are studying an Art and its ancient roots while also benefiting from the traditional goals and benefits of an extracurricular club for children (improved health and fitness and an active lifestyle).