Origin of Knowledge
Moving beyond content we begin to draw into question the purpose of engaging with ideas?
Content expertise is a necessity to excel in any chosen profession. From knowing which technical equipment to use as a Sound Engineer or how to use ArchiCAD for Architects we are surrounded with prompts as to which details to draw into our mind.
YET, without the skills to turn these details into units of meaning this acquisition is obsolete. So from this arose the field of Epistemology - the study of the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge.
Illustrated as a sequence of events in a linear fashion in the above model, Epistemology is one way of framing the learning process and purpose.
How then can you relate Epistemology to your working day...?
Imagine you have a new client approach you to complete a complex and challenging project which will require independent research. Your first response may be "How is this possible"? Yet as you revisit your knowledge basis, sources, and means of presenting your knowledge you gain a sense of confidence and direction.
This is Epistemology in MOTION!
*** Move beyond content and advance your professional skillsets. ***
#pragmatic #empirical #interpritive #relevant #method #careeradvancement #buildconfidence #embracechange #incorporateexperiences #engageclients #determinedirection #inspirechange