The origin of the cancer
Marsel Kamaletdinov
Professor of astrology: the answer to any question, help advice in any difficult situation. Make no mistake!
Good morning ladies and gentlemen!
With the kind interest of Mrs. Chiong Ju ,
Medical Journal Editor - * Traditional Medical Research *
* Traditional Medicine Search * , New Zealand,
I’m publishing a topic about the development of oncological tumors in the human body ,
called by the people - * cancerous tumor .
This topic always worried me and even in the summer of 2007, I created an elixir ,
which stops the development of any cancer cell in the human body ,
but according to the bureaucratic delays of the law of Ukraine, he could not establish its mass release .
However, now I’ll tell you about the etiology (origin) of the development of this progressive in many countries of the world - a malignant cell in the human body ,
that so far I can’t say about its development in the body of animals and marine animals and fish .
Being a current astrologer of the Indian astrology system since July 2005
I constantly came across articles in astrological journals that the fierce and cruel Saturn and the fictitious planet Rahu cause this cancer disease ,
but as clients came to me with a request to eliminate any form of cancer in the body , I of course use the horoscope of his client was convinced , that all the same the first role in the occurrence of this disease - plays the planet Mars!
This applies not only to patients in this area , but also to people who suffered from various kinds of strokes , trophic ulcers and non-healing wounds on the body .
Usually these are people - in whom Mars is in a strong position in the birth horoscope - Mars in 1 house , Mars in Aries , Mars in Scorpio , Mars in Capricorn or has strong aspects with the Sun (a hot male planet like Mars itself) ...
These people usually have excessively hairy and it is not only men , but often women , who look like men (hooked nose , sharp eyes , short hair) - all attributes of Mars ...
Their whole concept of disease is , that these people are usually hot blood, and it was she who creates them big problem is , that it can not move through the vessels as the connective tissue supporting the body and the brain in particular - oxygen and vitamins , that promotes the accumulation of red blood cells , platelets , white blood cells and blood balls (plasma) on the walls of blood vessels and their adhesion to them, followed by partial nutrition of this local area of the body and the multiplication in it of another hybrid area of living tissue , which blocks the flow of blood into the human body due to its growth to immense size , they themselves physicians call it kak * kartsenomy * or say - * metastases * .
But first , ladies and gentlemen , let's explore the nature of the planet Mars!
Ancient authors describe it as a planet , following the zodiac around the sun - the planet Jupiter .
In Indian, this planet is called Kuja , but there are names for it as Angaraka and Mangala in Indian , and according to the ancient names of Latin or Greek folklore it sounds like - Aries , Mavoris , Pirois , Gradivus!
It is smaller than Venus and Jupiter and seems to our eye shining and sparkling red - fiery color .
He completes his zodiac tour around the Sun - an average of 687 days ,
its daily movement is usually 32 to 44 minutes and rarely more .
At night, he is strong in the sign of Scorpio , during the day he is strong in the sign of Aries , in each of the 12 signs of the zodiac he is for about 45 days, and if he is in the sign of Scorpio, then he is strong only at night .
These provisions in these signs indicate that at this time he projects diseases related to oncology (and not only) and at this time the peak of these diseases occurs , not to mention the Capricorn sign where he is also strong and rewards his subjects with the same diseases ( I mean people predisposed to oncology in which Mars is strong) .
Now let’s say Mars is at 5 degrees Pisces , but on Monday August 17 it enters its Aries sign and will stay there until Monday February 22, 2021 , until it enters the sign of Taurus ( although from October 4, 2020 it will back into Pisces and only in the afternoon on December 24, 2020 will again go to Aries) - all this time while Mars is in Aries , we can say that he will sow such a disease as cancer - in people who are disposed to this .
In addition to the listed diseases , it can be expected that it brings diseases of the bladder , left ear , malaria , deadly burning fever , migraine , carbuncles , plague and all that precedes it , burns , ringworm , blisters , rabies , sudden headaches , jaundice , bleeding , fistulas , all injuries and diseases of the male genitalia , stones in both the kidneys and the bladder , scars or pox on the face , all injuries with iron , herpes zoster , and other such diseases arising from an excess of anger , anger or passion .
Those people who are highly predisposed to such oncological tumors - they should not eat or keep such plants as nettle , all types of thistle , stalnik , euphorbia , white and red camomile , sedge , onion , bindweed , garlic , mustard , pepper , ginger , leeks , watercress , buttercup , hemlock , red sandalwood , tamrind , as well as all herbs that are attractive or in sympathy with the choleric principles: radish , beaver stream , water pepper , artichoke , spotted thistle , flies .
And also be away from such trees as - chestnut , hawthorn , as well as all plants and trees with thorns .
And also do not have communication with such wild or domestic animals of Mars as - panther , tiger , mastiff , vulture , fox , beaver , mule , horse , ostrich , goat , wolf , leopard , wild donkey , flies , mosquitoes , lapwing , basilisk , griffin , bear .
And also all voracious birds , falcon , vulture , kite , raven , cormorant , owl , eagle , crow , woodpecker .
It is advisable not to eat fish from the family of pikes , sturgeons and other fish with sharp spikes , shark , barbus , fork fish , stinging worms and scorpions (applies to residents of China and Southeast Asia) .
In everyday life, do not use iron , red coral , adamant , magnetite , bloodstone , jasper , arsenic , antimony , sulfur , ocher , multi-colored amethysts , assay stones , red lead or cinnabar .
It is advisable for newlyweds getting married to have at least one of the partners whose Mars is weakened , otherwise it will always be quarrels and scandals and this will ultimately lead to the oncology of both!
And also it is preferable not to wear red clothes in the elements of the wardrobe .
In conclusion of this story about the malevolent influence of Mars, I would like to talk about the means of neutralizing its action on the human body!
In Indian astrology, there is such a thing as - Pitt!
Pitta from the Indian language translates as - Fire!
Since Mars is connected precisely with the fiery actions in the human body , we need to neutralize this fire in his body .
First of all, we note that the fire in the body of a sick person must be reduced and this principle of its reduction is achieved by applying bitter herbs through various drinks and dishes of national cuisines of different nations!
In traditional medicine, there is a whole arsenal of injections from a bitter species of herbs .
Particularly attractive in this case were herbal remedies such as scarlet (in the morning on an empty stomach to chew and eat 25 grams of this bitter nectar for at least a month) , gentian , gold seal (Canadian yellow root - Hydrastes canadense), rudbeckia (Echinacea , narrow-leaved rudbeckia - Echinacea angustifolia).
Of course, this is not the entire list of medicinal herbs, and you can add a remedy to this.
from cancer of bones , breasts and lymph nodes like jasmine .
It is used in the form of tinctures from flowers as a cold or hot format , but only without the principle of boiling (it is better to throw in boiling water and remove from heat) ...
apply it both in the form of powder and in the form of paste and medicinal oil - jasmine
cools the blood very much!
Another remedy for breast and breast cancer is dandelion -
or rather its root!
It has a cooling effect on the circulatory system and acts well on these parts of the body in the body of women , although along the way it removes toxins from both sexes and even dissolves kidney stones and gall bladder!
The basic principle of treatment is still in ama (ama is the accumulation of toxins , undigested food , and body waste) .
Carcinogen or metostasis is precisely fed by this ama in the body , which consists mainly of mucus and this cell begins to grow, blocking the channels of human activity .
This ama has the property of decreasing under the influence of herbs having a bitter and pungent taste (but in the case of oncology, a pungent taste enhances the fire in the body and is absolutely not needed in this situation): the bitter taste consisting of air and ether helps to highlight the amu ,
heavy in nature from the organs and tissues in which it has accumulated .
The bitter taste stimulates catabolic processes in the body due to which foreign material is destroyed in the form of oncological tumors or other neoplasms .
The bitter taste dries and, like dry ice, it freezes amu -
thereby contributing to its destruction!
Additionally, you can name a cooling herb blood as indigonoska , iris , red clover , pokeweed , burdock , root manzhishta , neem , plantain , sandalwood , chaparrel , curly dock , echinacea , seeds apricot , root shatavari .
Dear Reader!
You have now learned how this disease as a * cancerous tumor * enters our body and what methods of neutralization are provided against its nature of action!
Certainly not to doubt the correctness of the judgment before the publication of this article , I woke up suddenly at night and began to think hard about what , that someone is still the initiator of cancer tumors and therefore created horary horoscope map on this topic .
The horoscope showed that - this is the planet Mars!
Mars itself is located in the sign of Pisces 11 at home (boils in the watermark am) and its navams in Leo , but what’s interesting: the owner of Pisces, the planet Jupiter is located in Capricorn - the sign of its fall and Saturn nearby (this says that cancer develops in the whole bad the work of the liver and the secretion of gastric juice and caustic bile) , that is, in simple words - the blood overheats and, as a result, the liver and kidneys overheat and, in principle, the whole body fails!
In navamsa, Saturn is located in the sign of Aquarius, which speaks of opposition to Mars - and this is already bad because the communicating vessels of neurons that are responsible for the motor functions of human body tissue are damaged .
Having looked at the horoscope of the subject
you yourself will see this and form your opinion , which will become even stronger if you look at navamsa and calculate the degrees of Mars and Saturn in opposition to each other!
But of course, the main role in the development of the disease is Mars , and Saturn only works on supporting roles!
Respectfully to the honorable public: an astrologer is an internationalist ,
Professor of the Indian School of Astrology - Marcel Kamaletdinov!
Odessa , Ukraine , 08:30 a.m. , June 25 , 2020 .