The Orientation of the market between theoretical models and implementations
The biggest challenge which is facing the organization in the business dynamic business market is adopting market orientation. Blesa (2005) argued the organization which is adopting market orientation has a better chance to understand the inter and external factors of the business environment, also adopting the market orientation has an impact on increasing profitability, customer satisfaction, earing per share, etc. This study is focusing on the relation between the orientation of the market with relation to the performance of the business, customer satisfaction and financial performance, in addition to assessing the effect of market focus and its orientation on the organizational performance which is related to its financial position in the market.
According to Chang and Chen (1998); the business performance can be less or even the business can fail due to business external factors which the business sometimes can’t control, so Chang and Chen added to their own model three different external factors which are the effect of the direct and indirect orientation of the market which are through the quality of the service.
As noted and concluded by most of the studies in this area as the study of (Phillips et al.1983) as concluded that the quality of the service is a vital factor which is affecting the overall performance of the service provided (Phillips et al. 1983).
Chang and Chen (1998) tailored a scale which is measuring the anticipated level of performance of the service by integrating long and short-term factors of profit in an orientation for the market. They noted in their own model simplified expectations about the profits or the gains of the business on the short and long terms such as long & short term anticipated performance level as well as the payback level of the business on both of the terms. Chang and Chen (1998) scale is being capable of providing defined quality-related measurements which are based on several criteria to measure a service such as how tangible is the service, how responsive, reliable and how accurate is it (Zeithaml et al., 1990).?
Chang and Chen (1998) concluded that; there is a significant relationship between market orientation and the quality of the service which leads also to a positive relation and significance on the overall business performance.?
Managerial implications
The nature of the current service environment is very complex, demanding and challenging as it is representing a big challenge for business managers as they have to cope with and to fulfill all of the client’s needs and requirements in a timely and effective manner.
The question that arises here is, should the organization cope with each of which of their own customer or client needs? And the decision for the company to go and?implement those needs right away or not? And the answer is in the model of Chan and Chen (1998) which concluded that in order for a company to implement any service-related improvement; the management should assess its related benefits or paybacks compared to its cost of implementation.
Both Guo (2002), Chan and Chen (1998) models described, detailed and studied the association and the relation between the quality of the service provided and the profitability of the business and they concluded that the association between the service quality is more strong with the profitability of the business and the orientation of the market is coming on the second level of this association as they noted that to achieve greater outcome based on the performance of an organization; in this case; the quality of the service should come first as a prerequisite for the organization
?Pflesser (2000) studied the organizational market-related behaviors which leads any organization to be market-based or market oriented and as a result; affect the organization's market and business performance. Pflesser (2000) found that there is a positive impact of the organizational market-related behaviors on the financial performance of an organization. This is supporting the role of the quality of the service which is basically taking care of the total performance of the market taking into consideration client satisfaction and loyalty.
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