Organoids: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Human Brain: The Rise of Mini Brains

Organoids: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Human Brain: The Rise of Mini Brains

Author: Renjith Vijayakumar Selvarani

The Challenges of Studying the Human Brain

The human brain, a complex and enigmatic organ, has long been a source of fascination and mystery for scientists and researchers. Shielded by our thick skulls and swaddled in layers of protective tissue, the brain has remained elusive, making it extremely difficult to observe in action. For centuries, scientists have relied on various methods, such as autopsies, animal models, and imaging techniques, to unravel the secrets of the human brain.

While these methods have provided valuable insights, they have their limitations. Conditions like Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, and the effects of diseases like Zika on the human brain continue to elude our understanding. The need for a more direct and comprehensive approach to studying the brain has led to the development of a remarkable tool: brain organoids.

Introducing Brain : Miniature Brains in the Lab

Brain organoids are pencil eraser-sized masses of cells that function like human brains, but are not part of an organism. These remarkable structures are grown from undifferentiated stem cells, which are cells that can develop into any tissue in the body, from bone to brain. By taking a skin sample from a person with a particular condition, scientists can generate brain organoids from that individual's cells, allowing them to study the specific characteristics and behaviors of that person's brain tissue.

The process of growing a brain organoid is a delicate and intricate one. The hardest part, which stumped scientists for years, was finding the perfect combination of sugars, proteins, vitamins, and minerals that would induce the stem cell to develop a neural identity. This breakthrough, achieved in 2013, paved the way for the relatively straightforward process that follows.

A neural stem cell essentially grows itself, similar to how a seed grows into a plant, requiring only the brain's equivalents of soil, water, and sunlight. A special gel to simulate embryonic tissue, a warm incubator set at body temperature, and a bit of motion to mimic blood flow are all that's needed to nurture the stem cell as it develops into a miniature version of an early-developing human brain, complete with neurons that can connect to one another and form simplified neural networks.

The Remarkable Journey of Brain Organoid Development

As mini brains grow, they follow all the steps of fetal brain development, allowing scientists to observe and study this process in detail. By observing the growth and development of these organoids, researchers can gain valuable insights into how our neurons develop, as well as how we end up with so many more of them in our cortex, the part responsible for higher cognition like logic and reasoning, than other species.

This ability to grow brains in the lab, even in miniature form, raises a host of ethical questions. Can these mini brains think for themselves or develop consciousness? The answer is a resounding no, for several reasons.

First, a brain organoid has the same tissue types as a full-sized brain, but it is not organized in the same way. The organoid is similar to an airplane that's been taken apart and reassembled at random; you could still study the wings, the engine, and other parts, but the plane could never fly. Similarly, a brain organoid allows us to study different types of brain tissue, but it cannot think.

Even if mini brains were organized like a real brain, they still wouldn't be able to reason or develop consciousness. A big part of what makes our brains so smart is their size, and mini brains have only about 100,000 neurons compared to the 86 billion in a full-sized brain. Without the necessary scale and complexity, these organoids cannot achieve the level of functionality required for higher-order cognitive processes.

Another crucial factor is the lack of interaction with the outside world. We learn and develop our consciousness through the feedback loop of receiving inputs through our senses and reacting to them. Without this essential interaction, the organoids can never form a functional neural network capable of conscious thought and action.

The Promising Future of Brain Organoids

While mini brains may not be able to think or develop consciousness, they are an unprecedented tool for studying the human brain in unprecedented ways. By observing the growth and development of these organoids, scientists can gain valuable insights into the intricacies of brain development, the underlying causes of neurological disorders, and the unique characteristics that make the human brain so remarkable.

With continued research and advancements, these humble organoids may hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the human brain, bringing us closer to understanding what truly makes us human. As the field of brain organoid research continues to evolve, the potential for groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in our understanding of the brain remains vast and exciting.


The rise of brain organoids represents a significant step forward in the quest to unravel the complexities of the human brain. While these miniature structures may not possess the same level of functionality as a full-sized brain, they provide an unprecedented opportunity for scientists to study the brain's development, structure, and behavior in ways that were previously impossible.

As research in this field continues to advance, the insights gained from brain organoids may lead to breakthroughs in our understanding of neurological conditions, paving the way for more effective treatments and therapies. Moreover, the ethical considerations surrounding these mini brains will continue to be an important topic of discussion, as we navigate the delicate balance between scientific progress and the preservation of our shared humanity.

In the end, the journey of discovery with brain organoids is just beginning, and the potential for these remarkable structures to transform our understanding of the human brain is truly exciting. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, the mysteries of the brain may finally start to yield their secrets, bringing us one step closer to unlocking the full potential of the human mind.

Renjith Vijayakumar Selvarani. Ph.D OLUSIUM


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