Organizing Quick Tips
Who doesn't wish and strive for their home to run like a well-oiled machine, with everything in its place all working together perfectly to create an organized oasis. Organization is a home trend that is all the rage, lead by companies like The Home Edit (a favorite around here) and Neat Method, inspiring people everywhere to take the time to overhaul every space in their homes, cars, offices, etc. for a chance at organized bliss.
In the Richmond area, we've started our own organizing division within The Susan Morris Team to help locals here do the same. Our girl Emily heads up this part of our business called Organized Chaos and y'all, she is fabulous. Read our blog devoted to her talents here. However, we also understand that sometimes there's no time for a complete room overhaul and all you need is a little help or a boost of inspiration to make small changes. Sometimes, if we could organize just a few things in our lives we'd call that a win. And that's what today's blog is all about. To help you on your journey to eventual organized bliss, here are a few of Emily's favorite quick tips to get you on your way towards your goal.
1. A Command Center is KEY
Family rooms and kitchens are famous for accumulating clutter. These spaces are where we do most of our living, so it makes sense. One of Emily's favorite tips for busy families is to create a command center. Setting aside an area specifically for paperwork, mail, permission slips, keys, etc. not only keeps other surfaces in your home clear, but reminds you daily to go through them so they don't pile up to be forgotten. It's been a game changer for some of her clients!
2. Find a Special Place for Toys
A few of us have small kids, and if you do too, no doubt toys have taken over your family room. Instead of fighting it, try creating a spot just for them in an unused corner. These areas can make great little play spaces and can look nice too. Corners are great for adding a small bookcase or a kid-sized table and chairs for crafts. You can also add rolling bins to store toys which allows your child to move around the room, but encourages them to pick up the mess when they're done.
3. Utilize Clear Apothecary Jars in Bathrooms
For small bathroom items like bath salts, cotton swabs, soaps and the like, Emily loves the beauty and functionality of apothecary jars. If you have a lot of counter space, and don't mind leaving things out in the open, invest in some and you'll be happy you did. And since they're clear, it's makes finding those items when you need them much easier.
4. Organize Bathroom Daily Use Items
Ladies (and even Gents), how many of us spend what seems like half of our lives in the bathroom surrounded by hair products, makeup, shaving supplies, toiletries, etc.? It seems like these necessities are spread everywhere and they make a real mess of our bathroom counters and cabinets. For a quick and easy solution, use an acrylic turntable or divided bin for under the sink or in cabinetry and place all of your daily use items there. Start by taking everything out, tossing what you don't use, sort out what you use EVERY.SINGLE.DAY by like items (body, hair, skincare, shaving) and place them in the bin by type. When it's time to get ready each morning, bring out the entire bin (or just leave it on the counter) so that you're not searching all over for what you need, and then put it away when you're done for a mess-free bathroom.
5. Perfecting the Pantry
Get smarter about how you use the space in our pantry by getting rid of bulky packaging. De-canting is Emily's favorite way to make a pantry feel less crowded. Clear canisters (Oxo are her favorites) allow you to see when you're running low on kitchen staples and cute baskets organize snacks for an easier way for kids to grab a quick bite. Shelf risers are also great for deep pantry shelving so that you can see those foods that get lost in the back.
6. Utilize the Space Under Beds
If you're short on closet space, under the bed is a great extension of those areas. Buy a few pretty storage boxes to keep things like backpacks and purses, extra sheets, and seasonal items for easy access. If you have a bed skirt, the storage is even hidden from sight. Put a label on the outside of your containers to spot what you need easily. In a kid's room, this space is great for things like their collections, smaller toys, suitcases, and seasonal clothing.
7. A Book Nook
If you're a lover of reading the old-fashioned way with a physical book in your hand (Me, me!), then you know the struggle of having several at a time on a bedside table or on the floor. Reading in bed is something a lot of us do to wind down from the day, so why not curate a corner in your room just for the thing that relaxes you. You deserve it. Add a comfy chair, a side table with drawers or shelves, and a magazine rack for a space you'll want to spend your time. If you don't have the space or you prefer to read in bed, have a small bookcase as your bedside table.
8. The Simplest of All the Tips
One of the easiest ways to make an immediate impact and begin each day on a more organized foot is to make the bed. It instantly makes your bedroom look much tidier, only takes about 2 minutes out of your day, and even motivates you to keep more of your home in order. Sometimes all you need to make more changes is the smallest step.
For more tips like these or to have Emily help you in your journey to a more organized space, give Emily a follow on Facebook at Organized Chaos , Instagram at @organizedchaosrva, or give us a shout! Happy Organizing!