Organizing Case Documents
Lexel can handle huge number of documents
Case documents are by default placed in standard folder structure. Based on their intended usage and priority or relevance, the documents can be grouped and categorized.
More importantly, grouping and categorizing documents
Organizing documents by folders, categories and groups is precursor to case analysis. These methods are well integrated across all features in Lexel. Wherever a user expects to locate a document, they are presented with these options. They can find a document by searching for its name or other metadata properties in a folder structure or within a document group or a category. Apart from the obvious advantage of improving efficiency in locating a document
Search and reporting functionalities
The document organization methods of Lexel improves productivity and collaboration. The well-designed interfaces of Lexel guide the user to select the most appropriate context when locating files and when performing search and reporting operations. The document organizing strategy of a legal team by taking full advantage of features in Lexel, can help in keeping track of key case information from pretrial to trial phases of a case.