Organize Yourself
Getting Organized
The first step in getting organized is to organize your organization process.
There is no point is systematizing if you keep misplacing your system notes
Getting organized is one of the hardest things I do. Staying organized is harder.
And that is what I am doing this morning with my home office, my papers, my email, my computer files, and whatever else seems to need drastic attention.
And that is why I am taking the time to blog. I also went to my garden and did some weeding. Do you have any idea how much I hate weeding?
However, I need to do at least some of this so I can move on to a multitude of projects.
Did you know that the word, "organize" cannot be found in the Bible? Not in the KJV, the NIV, nor the NASB. However, it is in The Message 19 times.
The first is Joseph advising Pharaoh on how to cope with the coming famine and plan ahead for seven years of want. It will involve delegation and organization of a network of leaders who will implement a plan that gathers around a central theme.
In the NIV, the word, "order" appears frequently. Once it refers to a life that is swept clean of an evil spirit, well ordered, and yet, empty of real substance. The enemy returns and brings back a van load of compatriots to reoccupy the house. One moral is that organization is not always enough. There must be something to organize and it must be integrated around something or Someone worthy of being the Central Idea (Logos-Word).
I received a distracting phone call as I was writing this about a matter of real urgency. Is it a distraction or is it part of the unifying theme (as I hope taking a break to write this is)?
I don't really know. I told you that I was really bad at this.
However, I do get the point about central, big, unifying ideas.
And I am working on that.%3: Decide what the first three tasks for tomorrow will be.
Task %4: Walk away and sleep on it, committed to get back to it tomorrow.
The funny thing is that this will work. It will get you started and the steps will become clearer to you without my advice/
Organize your organizing and let it develop a life of its own.
I am going to come back to this after I get my thought more organized.
Now, where did I put my to-do list?