Organizational Values
A Company leader’s personal values affect the firm’s business strategy and all aspects of Organizational behavior. Including staffing, reward systems, manager subordinate relationships, communication, conflict management styles, and negotiation approaches. Values are ways of behaving that are desirable to a person or group, they can be conscious or unconscious. It influences individual and organizational outcomes. Influence like company culture to generate decisions that can be significantly different from those made based solely on our personal values. Strong organizational cultures help guide us when making these ambiguous choices, however, when personal values conflict with organizational culture values it’s difficult to maintain ethical norms.?
Values flow from top to bottom in any organization, which means people that work with the leader mimic the values of the leader. Therefore, traditional hierarchical management does not generate high-performance teams. This is because standard management techniques actually harm the high-performance/creative teams due to attempts to formalize and micromanage the process killing the passion and drive to achieve goals. Too many process checks usually make the team cautious and stressed towards maintaining the protocol and deterring from high-performing achievements. Teams will get crippled with too many responsibilities and lookouts that they forget to create and think with passion and become completely disabled or even paralyzed at times of fast initiative decision-making events.???
We all seek freedom and love, but to have these two things we must learn to care and respect the organization and everyone in it. This efficiency can be nurtured through group activities and communal events, where teams get the chance to interact with the people they are working with. To know and understand each other, builds a bond of trust. They depend on each other and trust they will perform, deliver, share knowledge, and experience much fluently. Leaving it open to the team on how they will accomplish the objective, gets things done efficiently. These Organizational values must remain constant over time especially if it is a large organization. The only time an organization should change its values is when it is going through major “renovation” that will fundamentally affect the whole organization.
The external core meaning or value of your organization comes from your service and the value you deliver to customers. The value of your service or products much is defined from the customer’s point of view. It is only when you know what your product or service offers and what each customer needs and cares about then you will know how to best convey the value of your services and products. A collaborative work environment engages employees at all levels in finding solutions for customers. It’s about using combined resources to create something new.