Organizational Frames: Political Institutions
In higher education institutions, having a political environment is not strange but a given when it comes to the higher educational structure. Yet, there have been questions that asked does higher education improves political understanding and engagement? Hence, studies show that political knowledge, interest, and participation show a positive relationship variable when combined with educational attainment. The organizational structure of higher education institutions has indeed changed over the years, but higher education has always encouraged students politically and community-wise. To bring students together in a community and socially inspire ideas. Civic involvement provides a systematic dimension that helps with various modes of engagement with public policy issues. The elements of political criterion that are normally driven by systematic level goals can affect shared values. (Colby, 2008).
Organizational Frames: Political Institutions
Throughout years of structuring within higher education, many factors have evolved and changed the way things have been done for decades. Many educators assumed the role of being “non-political and stand numb on the subject of politics. Yet, instituting civics to students can contribute to a student’s political learning or aspirations. How can one become politically engaged though? Working in a higher education environment that teaches pedagogies that stimulate deep and enduring learning that helps students think rationally while keeping an open mind. (Colby, 2008). This can be the case with politics being used in higher education, the analogy of whom you know as being important is not something in direct relation to being politically correct but to being something that enables one to get ahead.
Some of the reasoning with being a part of a community or being involved with a civic matter will help students to take matters in the situation that are learned from their lessons in class and apply political aspects to it. (Colby, 2008). Socially, higher education can absorb the annals of politics and use that to restructure the institution as a whole. What is the basis for political validity within higher education and how does it differentiate the institution as a single platform? What is the imperative of open inquiry and does it really matter? Does this help in the instances of political ideology and can it help reshape things at the institution?
Granted, at times some of the colleagues maybe budding heads over the node of sharing political dogma that is often used to strengthen the administration, faculty, and staff. Therefore, being employed at a political-style higher education institution is something that should not be immediately shunned. It is something that can be inspired and implemented but should be done with a common goal in mind.
Thus, when the ideology of politics enters the realms of a higher institution it can become a more amorphous structure with a relationship than rather the structural principles. Yet, when political system structure is used it can assist with the decision making, relationships, and power dynamics within a bureaucracy. (p. 160). However, what are the initial benefits of the decision-making process, and how does it fit when the political model is applied to an institution? There are a series of questions that are valid when making decisions within a political climate. The following questions that are asked are the following:
- Why is the decision being made?
- Who should be making the decision?
- How do you gain the advice of others?
- Which solutions are realistically available?
(p. 167).
Each question is used within handling rational decision-making with a political climate environment. Higher education institutions can very well implement a political environment for their institution. There are often leaders or academic administrators that harbor a level of power that can be used to their advantage by having a political environment. There is also a level of uncertainty and power, interpersonal power, scarce resources and power, and the interrelationship of power and authority. Moreover, you have to understand the communication structure of a political environment. Communication can be affected in political environments if there is no style of conflict resolution management. Some of the elements that are essential to have are collaboration, compromise, accommodation, avoidance, and competition. (p. 161).
Therefore, dealing with employees that work in academia and want to institute a political climate for their institution can help them if they make sure that they can create attainable goals and make a win-win type of decisions. For instance, at times there can be a situation where leaders in higher education can use different levels of collaboration and commitment when it comes to strengthening their vision and university mission. This can help them with creating a sense of collaboration, learning, and integration relationships with various staff members. (p. 161). In the variable type of instances, negotiation is often utilized in the political type of climates, university administrators and faculty can use avoidance and avoid conflicts that may or may not occur. Granted, some conflicts may linger and not short-lived but can elevate based on the type of situation or occurrence.
Sometimes, conflicts can be normal, but they do not have to be complex nor should they long-lasting if they are not benign. To be consistent and precise, communication should be clear right from the start. By doing that will eliminate any possible conflict or misunderstanding that occurs with employees who work in higher education. At organizational levels, the message has to be conveyed to every employee giving them an understanding of what is to be expected of them. For example, some university administrators, like chairs, deans, or provost conduct a series of meetings like bi-weekly meetings to make sure they communicate and potential changes and other useful information that can assist them in performing a job well done.
However, what it normally resisted is potential changes and changes to routine. The goal is to make sure that anything like political can be implemented and help with decision-making and even strengthen the variety of resource areas. Thus, implementing a political environment often can result in the creation of interest groups or coalitions that may use both power and influence to support their interest in multiple people or groups. This can cause some level of conflict and resistance and hesitation with the parties that are involved.
In conclusion, whether or not you work in an academic environment or not there can be quite a few benefits when using a political model to operate your institution. Some of the elements of using the political model can assist staff with negotiation, collaboration, communication, and avoidance in the decision-making process. In addition, there are many areas of leadership and decision-making that the political model can assist with. It is not always a negative narrative, but it creates a more collaborative environment where many can benefit from.
Colby, A. (2008). The Place of Political Learning in College. Retrieved March 11, from
Manning, K. (2018). Organizational theory in higher education (2nd ed). New York, New York: Routledge.