Organizational Design Framework
“Organizational design?is a process for integrating technology, people, and information within an organization. It is used to enable the physical organizational form?(people, technology, processes etc) achieve the stated goals or strategy?of the organization."
It?is more than just structures. It is having policies and strategies that are aligned with one another.?When this is achieved, it allows organizations to operate at maximum efficiency and achieve?Operation Excellence.
Organizations use several frameworks for effective strategy implementation. Here is Star Model Framework which is used by most of organizations to overcome negatives of any structural design and successful strategy execution. This model consists of?5 major components.
Being OD Specialist ask your leadership team below questions.
Is what we’re doing clearly linked to the strategy? Do we have the right people and are decisions being made at the right level? Are we ensuring rewards in place for teams if they succeed? Do we have required skills in departments ? By asking these questions, using the Star Model as a basis,?you can identify issues and can resolve them to achieve desired results.
Nazia Tabassum
(HR & OD Professional)