The Organizational Body & High Performance
Jennifer Willemsen
Founder THE FUTURISTS | Business Growth Powered by Higher Intelligence | For companies, organizations and corporations that are building and leading the New ?? |
Drawing a Parallel to the Functioning of the Human Body
Just like the functioning of a human body, we can look at an organization in a similar way. In a previous post , we briefly talked about the human chakra system (7 energy centers) and what the lower three energy centers represent. We discussed that if one of the lower three energy centers is unbalanced/blocked, that this plays a role in the degree to which an individual can live their full potential.
Today, let’s examine the role of these three energy centers in another light.
A human body is essentially an electromagnetic energy field. In this article, I would love to introduce you to the idea that an organization has its own organizational body, which is an electromagnetic energy field as well.
The make-up of different vibratory particles and their frequency within the human electromagnetic field, are determined by many factors like environment, an individual’s soul journey through time and space, their level of purification, and so on. This field is alive, evolving, and always transforming. From this make-up, reality is experienced, shifted and created.
Any being who ever went through a transformation, whether per arrival on their path naturally or through divine assistance of another being, will have experienced change, after which many things in their world needed to re-calibrate.?
How A Body Enables Contact With Divine Intelligence
Now, let’s go back to the energy centers. According to Ra (Law of One), the way the chakra system works is that the incoming light energy/infinite intelligence from the Earth’s electromagnetic field enters the human body through the root chakra, upward. In an individual with unblocked lower chakras (at least to a certain degree), energy can flow freely upward through the lower three chakras and into the heart chakra, which enables contact with infinite intelligence.
Have you ever experienced spiritual entropy whilst you were hanging out in the dramas of any of the blocked lower three chakras (stuck in fear, protecting your ego, etc.)? Acceptance of these parts of self, and to love them, unblocks the pathway for infinite intelligence to travel up higher, where the heart can be accessed and usually, this is the moment where clarity and insight is gained (the end of spiritual entropy).
This is also why we oftentimes can’t access our intuition or properly perform our psychic abilities until we are “cleared”. Meaning, when we have done the inner balancing and acceptance of what is currently clogging up our channel.
From this understanding, it may be clear that the higher functioning of the human being (and its access to higher intelligence) becomes an accessible state in a parallel process to the opening of the heart chakra.
Rather than seeing this as a one-time destination to reach, it is actually a continuous process. You don’t get to the heart once, but you come home to the heart/love over and over again as you evolve. Each time you go through that cycle, for example when a fear creeps in and for a moment your access to love is blocked, an old part of you will dissolve to come back to home to love/God and where contact with infinite intelligence is re-enabled.
Spiritual Balancing on an Organizational Level
So we looked at the individual’s experience going through the act of what Ra calls spiritual balancing. Through self-inquiry, an individual can become aware of where he is imbalanced, which current themes of his life are present because of that, and what within him is looking to be transmuted by love.
Having gone through a multitude of human, generational and soul experiences, he may or may not naturally be able to connect the dots between his imbalances and their root causes. This may or may not be important, and one can always trust that what he needs to know or understand mentally for soul growth purposes, will become known to him.
For an organization, we can look at this in a similar way. The lifespan of an organizational entity may be much shorter than a single individual’s consciousness through time and space, but the fact that an organizational body contains memories and experiences which are partially responsible for the current make-up of vibratory particles and their frequency remains the same.
And not only that.
Each individual or company department adds to the organizational body’s electromagnetic field as an integral of the whole. So oftentimes, understanding an imbalance within the organizational body (which can show up in many ways, like lack of growth, financial stagnation, employee attraction difficulties, etc), will lead to a more specific understanding of an imbalance of one part within the whole that requires care.
Eventually, the goal is to support an organization in operating from a higher level of consciousness (love) by working through lower frequencies (stored within the lower energy centers of the organizational body) that got imbued within the organizational electromagnetic field overtime (for example, through company crisis, board member disagreements and friction, in response to stressful situations, etc).
This way, if you look at an organization’s electromagnetic field, it is like you open up a book that tells the (current) story of the company. Through a thorough energetic clean up, an organization’s electromagnetic field can be revived and many of its current issues or challenges will lose their energetic rooting, which leads to proper company transformation and access to higher functioning.
And as the overall vibration of the company increases, already all members (employers) operating within this electromagnetic field will gain access to higher information more easily.?
In Conclusion
So in conclusion, what we can learn from the functioning of the human body/system, can be applied and practiced on an organizational level.
When I work with individuals during private sessions, lower frequencies that are present in an individual’s electromagnetic field will arise to be seen and transmuted. Their electromagnetic field changes, and as a result, their reality changes.
We can attune ourselves to reading the electromagnetic field of an organizational body in a similar way, in order to transmute frequencies that are responsible for certain undesired outcomes, digression, or that are simply blocking higher possibilities and outcomes.
This way, a company collapses time-success in what will otherwise be tried to be solved within a much wider timeframe, practically, logistically or otherwise (or not solved at all).
From experience, when the underlying vibratory distortions/imbalances are corrected and brought into alignment with the current divine trajectory of the company, the practical and logistical actions and requirements come forth rather effortlessly and are far more intelligent in nature for what is required.
For booking private sessions for yourself individually or for the purpose of your company’s growth, please reach out to me via a private message to request a session.
Founder THE FUTURISTS | Business Growth Powered by Higher Intelligence | For companies, organizations and corporations that are building and leading the New ?? |
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