The Organization Workshop
An in-person or live online, experiential workshop about how to build effective partnerships in challenging conditions. Participants are dropped right into roles as top leaders, middle managers, front line workers and customers interacting in a chaotic, fast-paced, remote-work environment. The experience so closely mirrors our day-to-day life that there’s no backing away from its reality. Participants come away with powerful new perspectives and specific ideas on how they can help create a stronger organization and attain a greater sense of accomplishment and purpose.
At the Organization Workshop participants:
Participants often report that they:
The Organization Workshop is exciting, involving, and even a bit chaotic at times.?It sets a real, down-to-earth tone by connecting with life in the organization as it is actually experienced in today’s increasingly complex world. Participants find the Organization Workshop to be quite powerful and fun because they actually live through experiences and develop solutions that are real.?
Watch this short 2-minute video of the in-person Organization Workshop:
Contact Michelle Thier for more information on how to bring this wonderful workshop to your organization! [email protected]