Organisations grow only as strong as their leaders
Organisations grow only as strong as their leaders.
Organisations might have seismic shares of incessant failures and irregularities consistently and in most scenarios, the leader(s) are changed and balance, normalcy and palpable success overtakes the affairs of the organisation.
Have you heard or seen something of this nature.
We guess you have, countless number of times . . .
This further lends credence to the claim expressed in the heading of this piece of thought sharing.
Organisations perpetuate themselves via excellent and visionary leadership. Any organisation that fails to do this has evidently failed. . .
As a business leader, organisational leader, team leader or leading in any sort, growth largely depends on your ability to lead effectively.
Here are a few tips to help you get started (or if started already, further root you deeper) on the path of growth that excellent leadership offers.
First,?develop a servant mindset. The call to lead is a call to serve. You are where you are because of the people you lead.
Second, which i see as a sequel to the first, focus on building more leaders around you. Organisations enjoy explosive growth when they add up leaders. (John C. Maxwell)
Third, understand that leaders are not termed successful when they cause changes only but when they are able to replicate themselves in the persons around them, taking the organisation to a pedestal larger than they are.
Brands do not become excellent with weak leadership. Your brand can be like one of the very best in the world today. Your business can scale up to cover multiple markets across the continents of the world.
Begin by consciously exercising yourself in the discipline of leadership . . .