Online reputation and credibility - Does it really matter?
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Accomplished LEAN Operations Leader | Streamlining Operations, Enhancing Efficiency, Driving Sustainable Growth and Customer Satisfaction | Versatile multi industrial Operations Manager | Business Development
Every new business idea, research, a quest for finding "an alternative" or stepping stone towards the entrepreneurship, start with the instance where the specific common statement meets the common question at the time of frustration or an inconvenience - "There has to be a better way!" and "Do you know what this place needs?" - followed by a lot of Why's, What's, How's and Who's.
My passion for Customer Service and Sales where all of the above conditions were met, lead me on a 10-year quest: Creating solutions and ways to implement changes within an organisational structure that would elevate Customer Service and Sales above and beyond the level of Excellence and transform it into the Superior Customer Service. My "what" focus was on the study of 4 pillars of business: synchronising and interlocking 4 pillars of business using one common filed - Customer Service. My "How" focus was on implementing organisational changes that would create the Organisational Superior Customer Service Culture.
The purpose of the study: customer attraction, customer retention, building strong business relationships, increase in sales and market share, improve business operations efficiency, accelerate business growth, building efficient and effective internal departmental relationships and effective customer relations.
Organisational changes start with us - on an individual level. We need to accept changes as a growth potential - not as an inconvenience. The first step in changing organisational culture is to start caring about your brand and its reputation - online reputation, care factor and customer opinions. Surround yourself with staff that they believe in what you believe and align their goals and mission with the company's direction.
The first step in changing organisational culture is to start caring about your brand and its reputation - online reputation, care factor and customer opinions. Surround yourself with staff that they believe in what you believe and align their goals and mission with the company's direction.
Imagine a national business, with a rating of 2 and bellow: thousands of one-star reviews, unhappy and somewhat angry customers, feedback that shows cracks in the service delivery and after-sales care. Now, imagine you are the Owner or customer service manager of that business, What would you do? Please, close your eyes for a second and picture the whole scenario - How does that make you feel?
Personal and Business Reputation is among the most treasured and most powerful assets we wish for. Let me ask you something: what comes to mind when you read the following names: Tony Robbins, Jeff Bezos, Forbes, Rolex, Pele, Steve Harvey?
To me, it's the association of power, reputation, measurement of success, meaningful and desirable connection. Not just the experts in the field - They are the Authority in the field. What they say it goes. They are the top of the range authority - Celebrity Authority - If they only publicly mention an unassociated or unrelated business, their reputation skyrockets. That's the
It is what others think of us, and it's at the foundation of how we distinguish ourselves. Our reputation is a very personal, proud product of our hard work and effort in building something meaningful, reputable, recognisable. A badge we carry proudly as a sign of our hard-earned status.
Reputation and Exposure - So hard to earn, but very easy to lose.
Many would say that the importance of business online customer service reputation cannot be measured in dollars. I believe it can: Whatever your business is worth in dollar value, that is the risk measurement of your current business reputation - all of it and more. The ripple effect doesn't stop there. It goes much further and it will follow us wherever we go and stick with us for a very long time. You can change a business name, logo, style of business...but once the word is out, the nightmare continues.
Your online customer service and sales reputation matters!
Customer service is the cooling system of your business engine and the key component of your vehicle that keeps your engine running smoothly and effectively. Effective and open communication is the electrical wiring of your vehicle. Neglect it, and your engine is ruined. Your journey ends short of your destination. Customer service personnel is an extension arm of your sales force and magic iron to smooth out any creases with your customers.
A happy customer will talk about their positive experience to people they care about. However, an unhappy customer will talk about their bad experience to whomever they can. It takes one complaint to initiate dozens of comments and protests in support of the person with the negative experience. Even if they have never dealt with your business.
You have the power to stop the chain reaction of wildfire from spreading - stop it before its too late!
Feeling unappreciated is the #1 reason customers will switch away from any business. After having a positive experience with a business, 30% of customers would suggest it to a friend.
Today's Customers don't buy just a product or service - they are looking to buy an experience and aftercare service. 7 out of 10 customers will spend at least 1-hour online searching and reading reviews looking for a company that delivers exceptional service before they make a decision to purchase.
Your Customers will tell you what you are doing right and what needs to be changed - All you have to do is LISTEN and act on it! Get to know your customers - Knowing who they are and what they expect from your business is the key to your growth.
Customer Satisfaction Matters!
If left unaddressed, negative feedback and poor reviews can cause a huge impact on any business bottom line. Maintaining a positive Customer Service relationship with our customers is a must for every business. Address their concerns, answer their questions, provide the best experience they can buy. Sacrificial effort must be made to mend the broken relationships and disappointments caused by our omissions, faults and inadequate promise delivery, no matter how we perceive the issue.
Case Scenario - "She'll be right mate. I am not worried."
Our Social Media maintenance, Customer Service Relations and Public Relations services help businesses mitigate the impact and risks of negative reviews and feedback. Use it to your advantage. Connect with your clients and show them you care.
Let's go back to my question on the top of the post: Imagine the pain of reading the reviews, just like the one in the picture (below).
To prove that it is possible to make things right with dissatisfied customers, expand the customer base and increase the loyalty, I have invited several businesses, with online reviews of 2 stars and bellow, to participate in my research and to help them boost their online ratings. I have extended the invitation to businesses from under 10 employees to over 5000 employees and offered my services free of charge.
If your business was carrying the rating of 2 and bellow, thousands of one-star reviews, would you accept the invitation and welcome a service ranging from $5000 to $$25,000 and in some cases more than that for free with no obligations and no strings attached?
Majority of us would accept the help, right?
I know, it would bring some questions like Why are they offering services that cost so much for free and what is the catch or whats the hidden agenda?
The answer is No catch, no hidden agenda and no selling or buying involved. Pure and simple help with no strings attached. The only compensation accepted would be the written testimonial. As is, most of us would accept the offer, right? Would you?
Well if you expected to hear that majority of businesses whom I have invited responded with YES, you would be wrong.
The best response received by far was:
" Thank you for the invitation. She'll be right mate. I am not worried"
Well, if you share the same opinion with the national operations and customer service manager of the well-known company with a rating of 1 star - you should be worried!
It really doesn't matter if you are sole trader, running a partnership, small business owner, in charge of big corporate business or magnate - Customer Service REPUTATION DOES MATTER!
As Henry Ford the founder of the Ford Motor Company, once said:
" You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do," - but what you are doing about it.
Reputation is built on manner as much as on achievement.
As far as customer service goes, you put your heart and soul in achieving the top of the ladder and if you don't maintain your Customer Service Quality manners, your business reputation will fade. Maintaining a strong customer service reputation takes a lot of hard work and effort. As is important to start strong, it is more important to maintain the level of excellence and strive for superiority.
Again, I don't name and shame and I will not say the mane of any business with bad ratings. However, I will always point out the great examples, Thousands of reviews and managing to hold 4.5 - 5-star ratings:
Plush Furniture , Showpo , Certified Tech Direct , 4WD Supa Centre and China Southern Airlines AU
(Disclaimer: I don't have any financial interest in these companies, sponsored by them or paid to mention their business here or any other social media platform - This is my judgement and my opinion and under my criteria)
Why and how did these 5 businesses, amongst some others, have managed to maintain customer service online rating above 4.5 with so many reviews? What do they have in common although they are in entirely different industries, business size and operating in a different environment? What makes them any different from the businesses in their size, group and structure?
The secret is in Organisational culture, ongoing customer service training, company customer service foundation and online brand reputation management!
If you go to a review site portal or social media platforms, their brand and online reputation manager is present on most major platforms. They respond to every question, concern and issue. They are attending to every customer inquiry with great care factor, diligence and genuine interest to help with one goal in their mind - to exceed customers expectations.
The future of your business is in your hands. You can choose to ignore your online presence. reviews and reputation and do nothing about it or you can listen to what your customers are saying and try to improve your service delivery.
In Addition
Organisational customer service foundation is the key and the common thread that connects all business units and departments, focusing on the common organisational goals.
Focus on Individual and Organisational performance.
Constant and consistent employee education.
Effective internal and external communication.
Open door policy and encouragement for creative and innovative thinking from the bottom to the top of the Organisational ladder.
Constant and consistent involvement of the front line personnel in decision-making, vision, mission and organisational goal-setting exercises - they are your eyes and ears and source of valuable information.
Developing collective strategies for delivering added value and ways to exceed customer expectations.
Constant and consistent reviews and Customers feedback and prompt response.
Constant assessment of the market and customer expectations.
Prompt and efficient Customer Service Recovery System.
Continuous review of what Customers expecting from the organisation.
Customer Service is the art of trust. Customers trust their providers and they keep coming back because they know that the relationship is based on the Trusted relationship.
Remember this: Regardless whether the internal or the external customer,
A customer is a person, organisation or community that contributes to your wages or salary in any way, shape or form.
Internal Customers contribute to your wages by providing you with valuable information, service or direction ensuring the delivery of your services or products in a cost-effective, timely manner and providing your external customer with a superior experience.
Your service or a product must be delivered to your customer so that they remember the experience of dealing with you in a professional manner. Not once, not twice…every single time - without a fail! Constant and Consistent superior service delivery
External Customers contribute to your wages by purchasing your products or services. But that’s not all. Customers are your advertising medium or better-said advertising agency. Happy customers can help you grow and expand your business and have a huge influence on your new potential customers. Potential customers are individuals or organisations that might be considering using services or products in your field…but they have not decided yet where and how to finalise their transactions.
You only have one chance to get it right - Good impressions last for a while – bad impressions forever.
One happy customer will usually say about their great experience to one person at the time. However, an unhappy customer can’t wait to tell the story everyone and everywhere. It’s a snowballing effect that will hurt your business very quickly and effectively. In a matter of hours, an unhappy customer will post their experience on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Google Groups and so on.
Is there anything else that can even closely compare to an unhappy customer?
Absolutely yes!
Grumpy, unhappy, narrow-minded and unprofessional Customer Service officer or employee. Something that can deflect your potential Clients of working with you is a grumpy unprofessional employee.
You know the one, that hates himself before midday and everybody else in the afternoon.
I cannot stress enough how badly one individual can damage your reputation as a business owner. Chilling and outrageous outburst videos on social media platforms. All these videos posted by the sales and customer service staff, cashiers, hospitality and retail staff. Shocking!!!
To work in the customer service department of any company, a person doesn't have to have experience in the industry but must have a positive mental attitude and passion for customer service.
What is your opinion on Online reputation? Does it matter to you?
#customerservice #leadership #management #business #superiorcustomerservice #organisationalculture #culture #LetsTalkAboutIt #marketing #onlinereputation #sales
Accomplished LEAN Operations Leader | Streamlining Operations, Enhancing Efficiency, Driving Sustainable Growth and Customer Satisfaction | Versatile multi industrial Operations Manager | Business Development
5 年Organisational changes start with us - on an individual level. We need to accept changes as a growth potential - not as an inconvenience. The first step in changing organisational culture is to start caring about your brand and its reputation - online reputation, care factor and customer opinions.? Surround yourself with staff that they believe in what you believe and align their goals and mission with the company's direction.? What are your thoughts on this topic? #management?#leadership?#branding