Organic is on the rise!
Efficience 3
Institut d’études marketing et opinion indépendant. Forte orientation internationale.
?? Organic is on the rise
?? The consumption of organic products is one of the levers to reduce our ecological footprint and thus limit the harmful impacts of our lifestyles on the planet.
?? Clearly, this message has been heard by the majority of French people, as over ? of French people say they consume organic products (76.4%). They are 45.5% to consume them at least once a week. It should be noted, however, that only 14.3% of the French consume organic products at least every day or almost every day.
?? We can observe some significant differences in consumption frequency according to the age of the French. The 25-34 year-olds consume organic products to the tune of 22.7% at least every day or almost every day, unlike the 50-64 year-olds who only consume them 11.4% of the time. Regardless of the frequency of consumption, the 35-49 year-olds are the ones consuming more organic products (78.7% compared to 73.5% for the 18-24 year-olds).
?? The survey also reveals a disparity in consumption according to socio-professional categories. Indeed, only 15.5% of self-employed people/supervisors do not consume organic products, compared to 31.6% of workers. All demographic/geographic criteria taken together, the self-employed/executives represent the category that consumes organic products most frequently (14.4% several times a day and 26.6% every day or almost every day). Conversely, only 8.5% of blue-collar workers consume organic products at least every day or almost every day – same behaviour as to that of inactive people (12.7%). These figures reflect the purchasing power of the different categories of French people.
??? There are some differences regarding the geographical criteria, with sometimes significant differences from one region to another. Among all consumers, regardless of frequency; this is the case for the Ile-de-France region with 79.7% of consumers, compared with only 71.5% for the South-West and 72.7% for the West.?
According to a survey carried out by Efficience3 on a representative sample of 1,004 people, between 1st and 15 July 2022.
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