Organic LinkedIn growth and why it’s important as a candidate
Written By: Amy Perrotta, CPRR

Organic LinkedIn growth and why it’s important as a candidate

LinkedIn is a very important tool used for job searching in almost every industry today. It shows so much about people at all levels of the organization, where they live, their interests, and how you can relate to them or even be introduced by someone in your network. If we don’t have the right relevant connections in our network, it means we are limited to what we can see on LinkedIn itself.


Since searches, including job searches, are suggestive, LinkedIn will mainly show you what roles are available based on your primary connection base and how well your profile is filled out.


If you want better job suggestions, consider optimizing your LinkedIn profile organically.


What I mean by this is to be aware of your professional background and start off by connecting to commonalities.


For example, whatever college or school you graduated from should be the first place to start connecting with Alumni. If you can be more specific to your specialty, the better job suggestions and people suggestions will be for you.


Once you have a base of 100 connections, consider liking what you see on your feed. Also, consider writing organic posts to generate interest. Based on who is viewing your posts and engagement, will suggest better people to you to connect with on your network page.


Be mindful of this practice and continue until you’ve reached 500 connections. This is what LinkedIn considers a profile to be fully optimized. Your job search and people suggestions should be much stronger now.


Having 500+ organic connections also makes your profile look authentic to hiring managers and recruiters.


Being active on LinkedIn shows that you care about your profession, and what you do, and want to continue to grow as a professional.


My best advice is to use your LinkedIn profile as your personal brand to show your potential employer or new networking connection more about yourself. Everyone is more than just a resume. We all have interests, groups, affiliations, and hobbies that we care about that can serve as commonalities or conversation starters.


