Patricia Baronowski-Schneider
IR/PR/Marketing Expert | TEDx Speaker | Bestselling Author | 35+ Yrs Global Expertise | Diverse Industry Specialist | Senior Level Executive Contributor at Brainz Magazine, Newsbreak and Tealfeed
The organic revolution has been a quiet one, but it has recently gained a lot more attention. Organic foods and goods are becoming more popular, as people realize that what we consume has a genuine impact.
Getting to Know Organic Living
An organic lifestyle entails eating nutritious foods, drinking pure water, and being conscious of the cosmetics we use, the items we purchase, and the activities we engage in. Organic living has been practiced for decades, and while some people do it out of need, many others do it because they want to. They desire to live long, healthy lives free of illness and disease. They desire to live in harmony with the natural world. Our bodies need to be able to get the nutrients they need from food, and organic living can help us do this.
Chemicals that you put on and in your body are harmful to the environment.
Every day, our bodies are exposed to a massive quantity of chemicals and toxins. The frightening part is that the majority of these chemicals have been related to cancer and other disorders. Furthermore, the chemicals in your clothing permeate into the soil and water, where they enter the natural ecology. A total of 10 million pounds of pesticides are used in agriculture each year, according to estimates. This does not include pesticides applied to your skin daily via lotion or aftershave. One study found that pesticides from aerial spraying were present in nearly 98 percent of all breast cancer tumors.
Chemical fertilizers that generate dead zones in the water must be phased out.
Chemical fertilizers that generate dead zones in the water must be phased out. The problem of overfertilization of the waters is a severe one. Anoxic dead zones are areas where there is insufficient oxygen for life to survive, caused by fertilizer runoff from farms and other sources. There are also sub-oxic dead zones, where low oxygen levels allow life to thrive but at a much smaller scale than would normally be the case. Fertilizer runoff can be avoided by minimizing waste, which reduces the amount of fertilizer required for food production. This will also limit the number of pollutants that enter the ocean, protecting our mother planet.
Organic food is more flavorful! It’s also healthier for you!
Organic food is higher in nutrients and antioxidants than non-organic food. It also has a great flavor. Organic food has been found in studies to contain more antioxidants than conventional foods, even when cultivated in the same conditions. Organic agriculture, according to the USDA, is a system that supports and improves biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. Rather than using harmful inputs, organic agriculture approaches rely on natural processes, biodiversity, and cycles that are tailored to local conditions.
Because organic food is grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, it tastes better than conventional food. It is well recognized that these substances have a detrimental effect on human health. New research suggests that consuming organic foods can cut cancer risk by up to 50%. It’s also worth noting that these chemicals don’t just vanish after they’ve been used; they continue to affect us. It is critical to comprehend the effects of toxic chemicals on humans and to transition to an organic lifestyle.
Getting the most from organic food
Terra Firma Foods brings to you their simple and energy efficient technology that can help produce organic food. Now you must be confused how is it possible with the climatic conditions in your area? Fret not! With their patented GRO technology it is possible to grow organic food all year round. Contact Terra Firma Foods to guide you on the path of organic living.
Choosing organic food not only improves one’s own health, but also the health of the world. Terra Firma Foods’ unique Gro technology ensures that fresh organic vegetables are always accessible. We’d be delighted to hear from you and assist you in making the switch to a more organic diet and lifestyle.
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