Organic Jaggery The Benefactor For A Healthy Life Style

Organic Jaggery The Benefactor For A Healthy Life Style

Ayurveda has classified taste into six categories – sweet, sour, salt, bitter, pungent, and astringent and our tradition recommends including all of these in our meals for a balanced diet. Each of these represents an emotion and has its effect on the body. Sweet is one of the tastes among the six identified by Ayurveda and it represents happy emotion. Sweets are known to have a very satiating, rejuvenating, nourishing, and soothing upshot. They have always been a part of celebrations and are known to be offered as Prasad in temples for ages. They are loaded with more favorable benefits than just being a taste pleaser. The processing of sugarcane to obtain a storable and imperishable form of sweetener is found to be in practice ever since 500 BC.

The sugarcane is crushed and the extract is boiled to obtain the jaggery which is non-centrifuged containing the molasses. Jaggery has been the sweetener used in India until the introduction of further processed refined sugar.?Organic jaggery?is obtained by processing the organically grown sugarcane with the use of natural fertilizers like cow dung and compost for a pure and super healthy form of sweetener. In contrast to sugar, jaggery is enriched with a lot of benefits that our body needs. Let’s dive into the benefits you can reap with the use of organic jaggery in your meal!

  • The blood’s buddy
  • Cleanser - Organic jaggery helps flush out the toxins from your body. Indeed, this natural purifier even aids the liver in detoxification.
  • Fights Anemia – Organic jaggery is rich in iron and folate which restores the deficiency in RBCs and hemoglobin.
  • Controls Blood pressure – In addition to iron, it is also rich in sodium and potassium which maintains acid levels and normalize BP.
  • Immunity and beauty
  • Organic jaggery is a natural booster rich in minerals like zinc, selenium, calcium, magnesium, and iron that fights free radicals and shields you from various disorders.
  • Along with battling cancer, respiratory, and cardiac diseases, the antioxidants, phenolics, and antibacterial chemicals in organic jaggery also keeps your skin free from blemishes.
  • Trouble-free digestion
  • The nutrient-enriched jaggery stimulates the digestive enzymes, balances the electrolytes responsible for metabolism, and helps you steer clear of constipation.
  • As a metabolism booster and a powerhouse of nutrients, organic jaggery aids in quicker weight loss too.

Fighting sugar cravings has always been a challenge but surprisingly indigenous organic jaggery is a solution to it. You can smartly replace the sugar in your recipes with organic jaggery that doesn’t just curb your hunger but also aids your health system. It is to be remembered that diabetes which is now a common disease was once not even in existence although our ancestors were never away from sweets. Sweet up your lives but the right way that keeps your life sweeter for longer with OrganicKrate!



