A farmer near Sohna owns ten acres of land. He has been growing wheat for last one decade in his farm. Unfortunately the water quality is not good. He remains poor.
We discussed his problems last month. We gave him one quick solution of growing multi crops this summer season. In the long term the solution is to seek professional help to improve the quality & quantity of water in his farm.
A few Solutions which can help increase Farm Incomes in India.
- Get your soil & water tested in a lab.
- Plants & their roots need adequate Sunshine, Oxygen, Water & Fertilisers to grow.
- Stop using chemicals in your farms slowly & steadily. Go for organic solutions.
- Use Cow dung & organic compost. Learn to make your own compost from the farm waste.
- Do water harvesting this monsoon. I have bought a few earthen Vessels which will be placed underground at various vantage points in the farm to collect rain water. We will also make a few ponds to catch the excess water from all around our farm this monsoon.
- Go for native seeds , plants & Trees. This will save costs. A Mango tree grown traditionally has a life of more than hundred years & needs less care.
- Process your produce to add value. Make Jaggery from Sugarcane. Pickles, Jams, Honey, Oils from Neem, Hibiscus flowers & Gulkand & Rose drinks from Desi Rose flowers.
- Fix up Nitrogen by growing Pulses & Legumes. Go for Drum sticks, Bananas & Bamboos. Grow Neem in abundance all around your farm.
- Convert to Mushrooms, Strawberry , floriculture or make a fruits orchard if that is a good financial option for you.
- Control pests by introducing friendly pests. Grow Marigold, Sun flowers, Yellow flowers, Lemon grass, Mint, Garlic, Onions & strong smelling herbs to curb the harmful pests.
INNOVATE CONSTANTLY, LEARN FROM MENTORS, DO TRAININGS IN AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITIES LIKE HISSAR, PUSA & PAU. Agriculture is a science of soil management. Using technology & adopting modern methods is your only option.