There are no Ordinary Moments!
Vandana Mehrotra
Tedx Speaker | IIMB GS10K | Wharton EAP. Passionate about Entrepreneurship & Creatorship, Building Early Stage Startups as Mentor, Advisor, Angel Investor | Growth Strategy, Expansion, Execution, Engagement - Core Skill
Can you hear,see or feel the Extraordinary Moments happening around you that is asking you to THINK BIG, ACT BIG & shift to next level in your life, business or spirituality?
Something within my being feels everything in the cosmos is creating an environment for global awakening & shifting of the consiousness of our planet. Do you feel the same way?
Few days ago, I had a powerful calling to "PURGE" - The urge to release the need to control things beyond my control, the outer circumstances.
A voiceless voice kept stating - it's time to re-focus on taking control of my own destiny. Can you hear this voice too? Are we sailing in the same boat?
Since then I feel, many doors have opened for me to empower my vision to help others, things are just flowing easily & it seems like blessings & grace. Every wish I wish is being granted... On occasion of Gauri Ganesh, from my core wishing you "Self-Discovery - Know who you truly are!"
It seems Jupiter and Pluto are meeting today. Jupiter is the planet of PLENTY. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system – It encourges us to THINK BIG, bringing the gift of GROWTH.If you are thinking Change, Progress or Growth, the heavenly opportunities for remarkably deep transformation is magnified right NOW...pleaeeeeeaaasssse make the most of it. Just listen to your inner voice, sit in silence & have an appointment with yourself.
It's just about time to tear down OLD, get over our PAST blockages while STRENGTHENING & TRUSTING our INTERNAL POWER having a deep sense of gratitude, working on our tolerance levels just in anticipation of unlimited possibilities that awaits us.
We can CHANGE our life in an INSTANT. I have experienced that - Its my knowing, not read or heard somewhere. All we need is strong willingness to be RECEPTIVE - be open to life & receive by BROADENING our PERSPECTIVE and finding the GOOD in every situation, in every person. That is a sign of New Beginings in our lives. Are you ready for New Begingings in your Life? It's for you to decide.
Experience Sheer bliss and pure joy by making all the changes you need NOW - The Universe is supporting you...
Are you ready to experience the Infinite treasures that are waiting to be uncovered and discovered?