Ordering the Primitive Pythagorean Triples by Pellian Sequences
Keith Raskin ???? ???? ????
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When you combine Euclid's formula for generating triples with the recursion in Pell sequences, you get an ordering of the primitive Pythagorean triples. This is because that recursion, where you double your current term and add that to the prior term to get the next term, preserves the leg difference for triples. It is similar to Fibonacci recursion, but it requires that doubling before you add the terms.
While it is well-known that the Pell numbers: 0, 1, 2, 5, 12, 29, 70, . . . generate
the Pythagorean triples with consecutive legs, it seems to be a great secret that the rest of
the primitive triples can be generated, ordered and largely sorted by leg difference using
similar sequences. But before getting to them, let’s review. Recall that the primitive
Pythagorean triples are the sets {a, b, c} that each represent the lengths of the sides of a
a right triangle that are all whole numbers with gcd(a,b,c) = 1. Letting b be the even
leg, each of these triples can be represented uniquely by a pair of positive integers u and
v, where v > u, gcd(u,v) = 1, u and v are of opposite parity and {a, b, c} = {v^2 – u^2,
2uv, v^2 + u^2}. Now, taking the Pell numbers in consecutive pairs starting at 1, 2 and
substituting them for u and v so that u = 1, v = 2 ; then u = 2, v = 5 ; then u = 5, v =
12 , and so on, gives us the triples {3, 4, 5}; {21, 20, 29}; {119, 120, 169}, . . . Note that
the leg differences are 1 ( d = | b – a | = 1).
For primitive triples, the next greater leg difference happens to be 7. There are
actually two sequences, having the same recursion relation, P_n + 2 = 2P_n + 1 + P_n , as
the Pell numbers, that generate all of the primitive triples with d = 7 without
redundancy. And they are: 2, 3, 8, 19, 46, . . . and 1, 4, 9, 22, 53, . . . Substituting their
consecutive pairs of terms for u and v yields the desired triples:
{5, 12, 13}, {55, 48, 73}, {297, 304, 425}, {1755, 1748, 2477}, . . .
{15, 8, 17}, {65, 72, 97}, {403, 396, 565}, {2325, 2332, 3293}, . . .
Again, note that the leg differences are 7, and observe that we can represent the initial
two terms of the sequences as n, n + m and n – m, 3n – 2m, where n = 2 and m = 1.
In this case, d = | b – a | = 2n^2 – m^2 = 2(2)^2 – 1^2 = 7.
After d = 7, the next greater possible difference corresponds to when n = 3 and
m = 1. Thus, d = 2n^2 – m^2 = 2(3)^2 – 1^2 = 17. And the twin sequences that generate
the primitive triples with this leg difference are
n, n + m, . . . = 3, 4, 11, 26, 63, . . .
n – m, 3n – 2m, . . . = 2, 7, 16, 39, 94, . . .
But sometimes there are multiple permissible n and m values that give the same
difference. For example, n = 8, m = 3 and n = 10, m = 9 both correspond to
d = 2(8)^2 – 3^2 = 2(10)^2 – 9^2 = 119. Each pair of n and m values initiates twin
sequences. So it requires four infinite sequences to generate the primitive triples with
d = 119.
If we focus on the leg difference from a distance, everything falls into place.
Fixing the leg differences of primitive triples results in Pell-type equations of the form
2n^2 – m^2 = d. And the solutions to such equations are recursive sequences (generalized
Pellian sequences). It is easy to show that our recursion relation preserves leg difference
(i.e., all consecutive pairs of terms satisfy the Pell-type equation if the initial terms do).
PROOF: Observe that if P_n and P_n+1 are any two consecutive terms of any of our
sequences, including the Pell numbers themselves, the leg difference of the triple they
yield would be d = | (P_n+1)^2 – (P_n)^2 – 2P_n P_n+1 | .
By the recursion, P_n +2 = 2P_n+1 + P_n , and the leg difference of the triple
generated by P_n+1 and P_n+2 would be d = | (P_n+2)^2 – (P_n+1)^2 – 2P_n+1 P_n+2 |
= | (2P_n+1 + P_n)^2 – (P_n+1)^2 – 2P_n+1(2P_n+1 + P_n) |
= | 4(P_n+1)^2 + 4P_nP_n+1 + (P_n)^2 – (P_n+1)^2 – 4(P_n+1)^2 – 2P_nP_n+1 |
= | (P_n)^2 – (P_n+1)^2 + 2P_n P_n+1 |
= | (P_n+1)^2 – (P_n)^2 – 2P_n P_n+1 | .
So, let me sum up the overall result and prove that it holds true.
THEOREM: All of the primitive Pythagorean triples can be generated, ordered and
largely sorted without redundancy by substitution into {v^2 – u^2, 2uv, v^2 + u^2 } of
consecutive pairs of terms of the Pell numbers and similar sequences formed by the same
recursion relation, P_n + 2 = 2P_n+1 + P_n, and initial values n, n + m and
n – m, 3n – 2m, where n and m are positive integers, n > m, gcd(m,n) = 1,
and m is odd. (The leg difference of triples generated from both sequences is
d = 2n^2 – m^2 . And the Pell numbers can be considered the special case of a singleton
sequence: n, n + m, . . . , where n = m = 1.)
Since I’ve shown that the recursion preserves leg differences and it is easy to
verify that the gcd(n,n + m) = gcd(n – m ,3n – 2m) = 1 and that the recursion
preserves this relative primality as well as the opposite parities, it remains for me to prove
that the generation of the primitive triples is exhaustive and without redundancy.
PROOF: Let {a, b, c} be an arbitrary primitive Pythagorean triple. There exists a pair of
positive integers, u and v, such that v > u, gcd(u,v) = 1, u and v are of opposite parity,
and {a, b, c} = {v^2 – u^2, 2uv, v^2 + u^2}.
Case 1: If v < 2u, then n = u, m = v – u . u, v are the initial terms n, n + m .
Case 2: If v = 2u, then u = 1, v = 2, the second and third Pell numbers.
Case 3: If v > 3u, then n = v – 2u, m = v – 3u . u, v are the initial terms n – m,
3n – 2m.
Case 4: If 2u < v < 3u, then u, v are advanced terms in one of the sequences and can
be determined by backtracking, via the reverse recursion relation P_n–2 = P_n – 2P_n–1
for as long as the terms remain positive and strictly decreasing, until one of the following
Case 4a: If P_n–2 < 0, then P_n < 2P_n–1 and u, v are advanced terms of the sequence
n, n + m, . . . where n = P_n–1 , m = P_n – P_n–1 .
Case 4b: If P_n–2 = 0, then P_n = 2P_n–2 and u, v are advanced terms of the Pell
Case 4c: If P_n–2 > P_n–1, then P_n > 3P_n–1 and u, v are advanced terms of the
sequence n – m , 3n – 2m, . . . where n = P_n – 2P_n–1 , m = P_n – 3P_n–1 .
This covers all possibilities and proves that u and v must be in some specific position in
one of the sequences.
Keith Raskin
For more on Pythagorean Triples and Pell Equations:
Barbeau, E.J., Pell’s Equation, Problem Books in Mathematics, New York Springer,
Chapter 6, 2003
Beauregard, R.A. and Suryanarayan, E.R., General Arithmetic Triangles and Bhaskara’s
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Beauregard, R.A. and Suryanarayan, E.R., Pythagorean Boxes, Mathematics Magazine,
Vol. 74, No. 3, pg 222 - 226, 2001
Boju, V. and Funar, L., The Math Problems Notebook, SpringerLink, Springer 2007
Dye, R.H. and Nickalls, R.W.D., A New Algorithm for Generating Pythagorean Triples,
The Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 82, No. 493, pg 86 - 91, March 1998
Grytczuk, A.; Luca, F. and Wojtowicz, M., The negative Pell equations and Pythagorean
triples, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Vol. 76, pg 91 – 94, 2000
Horadam, A.F. and Shannon, A.G., Pell-type Number Generators of Pythagorean Triples,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and their
Applications, Vol. 5, pg 331 – 343, 1993
Kanga, A.R., The Family Tree of Pythagorean Triples, Bulletin of the Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 26, No. 1 – 2, pg 15 – 17, 1990
Leyendekkers, J.V. and Rybak, J., The Generation and Analysis of Pythagorean Triples
within a Two-Parameter Grid, International Journal of Mathematical Education in
Science and Technology, Vol. 26, Issue 6, pg 787 – 793, 1995
Leyendekkers, J.V. and Rybak, J., Pellian Sequences Derived from Pythagorean Triples,
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 1464 –
5211, Vol. 26, Issue 6, pg 903 – 922, 1995
McCullough, D., Height and Excess of Pythagorean Triples, Mathematics Magazine, Vol.
78, No. 1, pg 26 – 44, February 2005
Weisbrod, J., Exploring a Pythagorean Ternary Tree, annual meeting of the Mathematical
Association of America MathFest, August 6, 2009
www.2000clicks.com Math Help / Number Theory / Pell’s Equation
www.arXiv.org Catalani, M., Sequences related to the Pell generalized equation, April 4,
www.cut-the-knot.org Lonnemo, H.A., The Trinary Tree(s) Underlying Primitive
Pythagorean Triples, June 8, 2000
www.en.scientificcommons.org Wildberger, N.J., Pell’s equation without irrational
numbers, June 16, 2008
www.math.rutgers.edu Rowland, E., Pythagorean Triples Project
www.mathworld.wolfram.com Pell Number
www.numbertheory.org Matthews, K., Primitive Pythagorean triples and the negative
Pell equation, November 16, 2007
www.PlanetMath.org Pell’s Equation, Pythagorean Triplets
Mathematics Educator
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