The ordering of Justice and Rights on a planetary scale. Part VII – Emancipation: Social Aspect. UN and Development of Planetary Citizenship
Divino Roberto Veríssimo
Presidente na OPA - Organiza??o pela Preserv\??o Ambiental
In part VI of this process of ordering justice and rights on a planetary scale, I pointed out for public observation that the UN, in the course of its original mission, has in its development to be the social and legal personality that constitutes the international order of individuals, families, peoples and societies, capable of integrating the common guidelines of all. In essence, these are precisely the guidelines based on the Rule of Law and universal principles of justice of God, men and earthly nature, set out in the following social, political-economic and legal documents of the planet:
a) The UN Charter,
b) The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
c) The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
d) All treaties and conventions associated with these three elements
e) International law as the source of the three documents specified above, being 1. "evidence of a general practice" of Western and Eastern nations (the objective component) and 2. "accepted as law by the UN according to its three aforementioned basic documents "a. b and c" (the subjective component or the "opinio juris" ("legal conviction") of the UN)
The triple and unique supranational foundation of justice, security and permanent peace on the planet, based on the unity, security, peace and common citizenship of the diversity of our peoples, states and nations.
The triple supranational and transnational line of justice and law that links the organization of people, families, communities, peoples, states and nations of the planet in their unity and diversity.
This represents an axis of constitutional direction of the unity and diversity of the powers, forces and nations of the planet (semen) relative to the development of a State of shared global Hegemony and of Governance, Civilization and Culture of peace and planetary security emerging in the reproductive system (uterus or sacred feminine and biological and affective filiation of the descendants of the being) of these same powers, forces and nations.
And, for this integration of the common guidelines of all, I, observing the constituent documents of the UN, identified the following lines of action for the emancipation (generally seen as change) of the organization at this point in its development
1. Promote and establish the constitutional tripod of the UN as the cornerstone of planetary justice and customary international law (set of norms or international treaties accepted as law among national personalities) with these two capacities:
1. The capacity to bring out planetary power in all instances of human social life within and outside its territory and in universal relations (local, national, international, interplanetary and extraplanetary)
2. The capacity to regulate States that possess or store nuclear weapons under the norms of planetary laws (of the UN), independently and within the law of international treaties.
Considering that States, nations, the arms industry and the economic power of market and financial domination have always objected to resolutions that prohibit the use of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical and biological), the use of corruption, the abuse of power and the use of brute force.
3. Pause (without leaving behind) political and socioeconomic negotiations on the SDGs and focus on the global cultural order.
4. Advance towards the cultural legitimization of the UN through its alliance with all civilizations on the planet in the global religious and social field.
5. Reconfigure the military order of nations on a planetary scale by prioritizing Planetary Security over any type of conflict or situation of war for occupation and domination in planetary, interplanetary and extraplanetary space.
6. Resume negotiations on the SDGs only after the adoption of the UN constitutional tripod by member states and governments as the cornerstone of planetary Justice and customary international law.
7. Carry out a supra-economic cultural reading of the Pact for the Future adopted by the UN in September 2024, considering the lines of positions and guidelines of its social agenda contained in the original paper of the Organization and reaffirmed in the Cultural Guidelines of the 79th General Assembly in progress until September 2025.
With that, I have reached Part VII.
And, in this part, the focus is on providing data and final guidelines for the UN's emancipation process in relation to the development of planetary citizenship.
In this case, Planetary or global Social Development within the UN's constitutional tripod, already highlighted.
Which, in the history of the organization, means the sequence of the development of its global sociocultural agenda (in short, social agenda) at this point in history.
Remembering here that this agenda is linked to exactly these elements:
1. The Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
2. The WHO Constitution in 1946, the Rio Agenda 21 and the Earth Charter on educational guidelines. The first document conceived by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987 for the area of education, ratified and adopted by UNESCO only in 2000 at the Peace Palace in The Hague. But that still needs to be linked in depth to the Convention on the Rights (of freedoms) of the Child. The most legitimized document in history.
The document states in its preamble that “We must come together to create a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of peace” (Add: and planetary security).
3. And the World Summit on Social Development, held for the first time in Copenhagen in 1995, as the post-war historical facts related to the creation of the UN were revealed.
I clarify this because the process is still evolving towards its formatting of unity of/in the cultural diversity of the planet.
And the concept of “Planetary Social Development” or “planetary citizenship” (worldwide) is not objectively included in the UN’s constitutional tripod. But the UN Charter and all its documents refer to “We, citizens of the world” without any national or international classification other than global.
Furthermore, the concept of "social development" was not originally included in the UN Charter until these events occurred:
a) The decolonization of Africa,
b) The affirmation of an African identity,
c) The rejection of colonialist values in the 20th century, with the cultures of the different African regions gaining their independence and becoming sovereign national states with Soviet and American influence in their struggle for hegemony.
Clarification and history of the UN agenda on social development
That said, I invite everyone to take a moment to review the historical facts about the social development movement of the humanities in the process of globalization and the emancipation of the UN.
The historical fact is that, in fact, the UN agenda on social development has its roots in the Association of Nations and the first World? Conference on Population, held by the League and Margaret Sanger (an American nurse) in 1927 in Geneva.
Followed from then on by these historical elements:
1. The legalization of the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross in World War II based on the 1929 revision of the Geneva Conventions,
2. UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration in 1943, directed by the USA, linked to the relief of war victims and ended in 1951
3. The emergence of the UN in 1945 with the participation of the Red Cross in the work of establishing the organization
4. The Constitution of the WHO in 1946 (originally proposed by the Brazilian Geraldo de Paula Souza and Szeming Sze, a Chinese delegate at an international conference held in San Francisco in 1945 by the victors of World War II. Where a commission of prominent individuals was formed for this action, among them René Sand, from Belgium, Andrija Stampar, from Yugoslavia, and Thomas Parran, from the United States),
5. The 4 World Conferences on Population and 4 on Women held by the UN.
World Conferences on Population and Development
The first in 1954 in Rome on the interrelationships between population, economic growth and social progress, the second in 1965 in Belgrade, the third in 1974 in Bucharest and the fourth in 1984 in Mexico City.
Conferences on Women
The first in Mexico in 1975 on Equality, Development and Peace, the second in 1980 in Copenhagen on "Education, Employment and Health", the third in Nairobi on "Future-Oriented Strategies for Women's Development to the Year 2000" and the fourth in Beijing on "Action for Equality, Development and Peace". All of them from an economic point of view by power or empowerment.
So, I take this opportunity to record a separate fact:
The fact that the idea of maternity and birth control was born with Sanger, the American nurse, presenting several aspects in favor. But within the racist logic and the domination of the humanities, aiming at physical perfection, mental strength and human spiritual progress (in fact, the progress of economic intelligence in its central activity on competition, consumption and profit).
The first proposal for regulating population growth emerged from her studies.
The idea was adopted by medical science and industrial chemistry and today it is favorable to obtaining the woman power by industry, focused in the dominium of the area of birth control for the industrial control over the population. Where quantum mechanics applied to genetics appears as control force on DNA capable of causing mutations in the human corps - and in its mind or comportament
This led the WHO to not participate in Rome in 1954, along with the other specialized UN agencies present.
Apparently due to a conflict between the economy, the market for diseases and the preamble of its constitution, which, by defining the Statute or condition of Health as a social element of law, faced several possibilities of pressure from governments and powers over the term and over the WHO itself (starting with the World Bank, which established a fight with the WHO for hegemony in the market of ideas for health, aware of the "increasing flow of goods and people, as well as diseases") to use population growth in their territories and economies as a health or disease problem.
This issue has been under debate in the fight for hegemony between the WHO and the World Bank since 1952. It was signaled at the 5th World Health Assemblies of the WHO, after its ratification in 1948.
And, currently, the issue advances within the expectations and questions presented by the 5th World Assembly for the Health of the People of 2024, inspired by the defense of the paradigms launched at the 1978 WHO meeting, established in the Declaration of Alma-Ata.
The what is a current problem and issue visible in the industrial interests of mechanized production and improvement of babies and the great invisible paradox of the world population conferences, which resulted, after the emergence of the UN.
Conclusion on the history of the UN agenda on social development
So we can say that the UN social agenda is based on cycles of evolution that bring us precisely to its emancipation for “Planetary Social Development” or “planetary citizenship”, in short involving the following acts:
1. Its constitutional Charter, the World Health Organization in 1946. Universal Declaration on Human Rights in 1948 and Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989
2. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development with 27 determined principles, among which we can highlight five of them as essential foundations of the others:
Principle 1, Principle 3, Principle 20, Principle 24 and Principle 26
3. The Earth Charter with the declarations in its preamble of the 4 principles for the care of the planet, 16 guidelines on these principles and its conclusion on the way forward.
4. The holding of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo in 1994, whose action program reaffirmed respect for sovereignty and religious and cultural contexts and values, "in accordance with internationally recognized human rights."
5. The holding of the World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen in 1995, which established basic principles for people-centered development and the relationship between population, development and individual well-being. The first UN world conference on social development at the level of Heads of State and Government , which, in order to be convened, included consultative work on this entire matter, delegated to the Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations, Juan Somavía.
6. Its provision on the General and Specific Objectives on Development and the Environment identifiable in Chapter 38.8 of Agenda 21 (1992) SDGs. Especially in sections “a” and “b” which highlight the determination to “Ensure and review the implementation of Agenda 21 in order to achieve sustainable development in all countries” and “enhance the role and functioning of the United Nations system in the field of environment and development” (and therefore its Integral Social Agenda).
Thus, the UN’s global sociocultural agenda is about observation, evaluation, configuration and ordering of human behavior on a planetary scale relative to these provisions.
Basically an action under/over the responsibility and analysis of the World Summit for Social Development – the different states and governments of the planet – for the establishment of a planetary society, “Planetary Social Development” or “planetary citizenship.”
And, indelibly, having at the root of its direction, precisely the UN constituent system:
The UN Charter and its Justice and Law platform set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, sustained within the following spirit and objective:
The spirit and objectives of reforming and revitalizing the system of National State of Culture and Government on the planet towards a planetary State Structure of Peace, integration, Alliance, Security and Well-being of humanities
As foreseen in Chapter I, preamble of Agenda 21, with the passing of time and changing needs, circumstances have evolved and “mark the beginning of a new global partnership in favor of sustainable development”
I will pause here again to continue with an addendum to the conclusion of this part VII of the process, where I will present to you the new cycle of emancipation of the UN with the adoption by consensus by its General Assembly of a resolution favorable to the advancement of preparatory measures for holding the "Second World Summit for Social Development" in 2025. Action proposed by Portugal and Chile through the Portuguese ambassador Ana Paula Zacarias.
With love, peace and Light
Divino Roberto Veríssimo