In Order to Transcend Something
… you have to go through it.
But no one wants to go through pain to transcend it. As humans, we prefer to bypass the pain and take the easy way out. Ironically though, the easy way out in life is never easier; it’s actually much harder. It may feel easier at the onset, but it becomes far more complex and painful as time goes on.
There is no way to transcend something painful without fully going into it.You have to get into the belly of the beast in order to invert it. Many who do not want to hit rock bottom will linger in the shadows of the dark end of the pool for decades, trying to avoid their fate. The brave of us know that to come back up into the light, we have to first bottom out; we have to hit rock bottom so we can spring off of it and rise to the surface even faster.
As humans, we are all here to transcend our lives, not collapse into them. But we will never transcend what we will not allow ourselves to face and work through. Your pain is fuel for transformation. You cannot sit on the sidelines of your life and evolve. Transcendence doesn’t work that way.
Running from the storms of your life doesn’t heal you. Learning to dance in the rain is the only way to push through those storms and transform the experience. It’s a metaphor for life… in order to transcend the storm, you have to go through it, and know that just beyond the pain and drama, through it to the other side, the sun is always shining and waiting to embrace you. It can be no other way.
Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.
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Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.
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