Order of Magnitude
Winter is officially here in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. This storm is going to produce over 6 feet of snow. It just keeps getting wetter and heavier. Luckily, we still have power and can operate semi-normally.
During snow storms, we like to have a fire going in the wood stove. Which I’m good with. It became a real pain to have to make a fire every morning in the winter to keep the house warm. There are a lot of lessons there about the things we take for granted.
Today, I wanted to talk about progressions. Watching all this snow come down and build up had me thinking about how a little bit adds up over time. Just like me adding progressively bigger and bigger logs to the fire.
When you look at a hockey-stick curve we all want to get to the “lift-off” portion of the curve faster. We want it here today. At least I do. Yet, we forget about all the leadup to that point.
If you double business every year, first that is amazing. Second, in the beginning, the doubles aren’t as big in magnitude. Doubling from $50,000 to $100,000 is a double, but the magnitude isn’t as great as it is down the road. However, you need that double to hit the next double. You need to have the beginning doubles because, without them, you can’t hit the next ones.
Just like if I didn’t start a small fire first, I could never have a big fire. If a little snow didn’t fall, it wouldn’t create the massive piles that we have. If you never start, you can never have the end.
Each progression is important. Each day, each piece of effort compounds upon itself. Just like the snow falling, it builds up over time. Sure, sometimes it builds faster than others, but the point is that it goes at it consistently to where we get feet of snow.
Applying the same thing to your life and what you are going through means that you have to keep going. You have to keep at it. You need each double. You need each progression.
So that years from now, you’ve learned what it takes to double each year and you put the systems and processes in place to hit those growth metrics. You’ve found yourself in a place where you do twice as much each progressive year to get to where you want to go. The systems and processes are in place to help you get there.
Because those double will eventually be $10,000,000 to $20,000,000. $100,000,000 to $200,000,000. These magnitude jumps wouldn’t be possible had you not had the first double from $50,000 to $100,000.
Every action, every system, and every process that you put in place will build upon itself to create a business that expands its capabilities every year to new orders of magnitude. These systems and processes will be the foundation of your company. Without those, you won’t continue that hockey stick growth curve.