Orchestration for Enterprise Cloud part 5
We’ve spent the past four installments in this series putting together a System Center Orchestrator runbook workflow to call into PowerShell to call Tintri Automation Toolkit cmdlets to do a bunch of stuff.
The stuff that it’s doing is solving a real business need for us — we want our developers to be able to test their code against a current copy of production data. Dump and restore operations are very expensive and error prone, so we’re taking advantage of Tintri’s SyncVM functionality to handle the data synchronisation for us. As we’ll see, this is going to take less than a minute to perform!
In this article, we’ll walk through executing this runbook and show how easy it makes the task. This simplicity makes it a great candidate for a task that can be delegated to someone with less in-depth knowledge (or access to) the cloud infrastructure. This is a big step forward toward self-service.
Read the full article here.
The post for part 4 had an incorrect URL that pointed to the creative commons license for the image used. For those that haven't seen the updated link to part 4, that full article is here.