Orca: no-code Graphical Editor for Container Orchestration
Just published an article at CEDI/SSISTEDES/JISBD 2024 conference at A Coru?a, Spain titled "Orca: Nocode Graphical Editor for Container Orchestration"
Quick links:?
Orca is a next-generation docker-engine graphical editor folowing a nocode approach to empower citizen developers removing accidental complexity introduced by traditional tools.
It removes the need to work with YAML, therefore design & validation can be done in a graphical way.
With a rule engine out-of-the-box, errors for invalid models can be provided.
It provides import & export capabilities to/from docker-compose files.
AI Assistant
It also provides integration with LLMs to use the "genie's lamp" feature: make a wish and get a fresh staryp template just tailored by IA for your use case as an starting point and effectibly avoid the "blank canvas syndrome".
Short videos:
Feel free to try it for free online and provide us your feedback.
Orca was build with Daga, Metadev's next-generation library for modeling on the web, based on standards.
For more information visit the product page and/or tutorial and demos site. Daga is free for non-profit and research applications. Commercial licence & support available on demand.
#dsl #docker lowcode #graphical-editor #daga