Orbit Extract: Automated vs Manual Data Extraction
Is manual data extraction a thing of the past...?
Our automated data extraction solution enables the financial industry to locate key attributes within the raw relevant documents whilst allowing our clients to generate bespoke insight or a different opinion.
There are key challenges the industry is facing, usually, companies already know what they're looking for within unstructured formats but it's very time-consuming and is being done in an outdated method.
The natural language processing involved in what we can accomplish has already shown that the traditional methods are no longer working effectively and are missing out on investment opportunities as well as vital attributes.
In a case study comparing automated and manual extraction, our solution showed that it can extract even more relevant information in a more effective and accurate process by using NLP
Throughout this process, we're enabling primary research on the huge volumes of underlying documents and allowing the consumption of data to be much more manageable, which leads to a massively reduced time scale of manual intervention.
It's also important to understand that using this bespoke solution, allows the audit trail for regulation purposes to be very transparent, which therefore dramatically eliminates the fear around what you're needing to disclose in the not-to-distant future.
Contact: [email protected] for more information.